We turned on the air conditioner the other night. It seems I will not get much of a reprieve from the freezing temperatures. The hubby has the thermostat set to “Meat Locker!” Outside of the house, I wear a tank top and shorts, and inside I wear a hoodie and sweat pants! He’s all happy, lounging on the couch in a pair of shorts, and I’m bundled up like it’s January and the power went out.
The past week was a blur. I had so many things to do and so little time to do them. I’m not really sure how or if it was all accomplished, but the world didn’t stop, so I’m calling it a win. Our Omaha boys had to be delivered back to Mom. Thankfully we met halfway, making the trip three hours instead of the normal six. The very next day, Jacob had to be delivered halfway to his dad’s. That trip is four hours if you don’t stop. When you add the time it takes to move the bags from one car to the other, the awkward conversation between my ex and I, and saying goodbye to the kid, it’s about four and a half. That is when he is on time, which he was not. I will have to forgive his tardiness this time because I had to change the meeting time.
We spent all day Sunday helping my friend at her money pit. George reworked a couple of doors so they would be more accessible for her mother’s walker, and I slapped paint on the walls of two rooms and the upstairs hallway. We worked until we were out of paint and then had the best hot dog dinner I can remember at her daughters! I worked up quite an appetite! I’d rather work on her house than mine these days because painting is instant gratification, whereas what we have to do is not.
With all my stuff caught up, I took a minute to sit down and watch one of my shows. One scene really bothered me and made me think. The mother was helping her daughter get ready for a wedding. The daughter was a bridesmaid and did not like the dress she was to wear. She told her mother, “It’s not me?” So what does the mom do? She changes the dress so that it’s more to her daughter’s liking. That’s part of the problem with today’s society. People think everything needs to change so that it’s more to their liking, or to the liking of one person, or one group of people. I was told, “It’s not always about you.” I wouldn’t say I liked that answer, but it was a valuable lesson to be learned. I could go on and on about this topic, but I was taught that if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. X’s & O’s.
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