Ask a Pastor Column

Presenting Biblical answers to tough questions

Q: The Bible says we ought to “turn the other cheek.” Does this mean that Christians should not be soldiers or police officers? Is it always wrong to fight?

A:  The Bible does instruct believers to turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:38-42). In context, the passage instructs us not to seek revenge for wrongs done against us personally, instead to show grace by repaying evil with good (see also Romans 12:18-20). Christians should let go of a vindictive spirit and forgive all offences committed against us.

However, this does not mean all conflict or warfare is sinful. God gave humanity the responsibility of self-government and the right to back that government with force if necessary (Genesis 9:5-6). In other words, the human race is to hold itself to right behavior. Any extreme departure from right behavior (such as murder by an individual or rampant oppression by a nation) must be corrected; not in a spirit of vindictivness, but out of faithfulness to God. This means both police and soldiers, as instruments of good government, have the right to use force in defense of the helpless and to punish wrongdoing (Romans 13:1-4).

Police officers and soldiers who put their lives on the line to make the world a better place are entirely deserving of our respect, praise, encouragement and cooperation, whether they are Christians or not. They are performing an essential service to society by restraining the corrupting influence of sin and protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Our gratitude and prayers go out to all those who serve God and our country, both in the military and in law enforcement. God bless you!

If you have a question that you would like a Biblical answer to you can send it via email to [email protected] or by mail to Formoso Church; P.O. Box 66; Formoso Kan. 66942.


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