Superior board lifts mask requirement

Members of the Superior Board of Education met for an hour Monday evening. April expenditures of $577,440.74 from the general fund were accepted.

The board unanimously approved immediately lifting the mask requirement. At last report their have been no new cases of COVID-19 in Nuckolls County for the past month and there are no students in isolation or quarantine.

They also approved adding girls golf as school sport, effective with the 2021-22 school year. Paul Heusinikvelt, who will serve as athletic director next school year, said, “This year interested girls have played on the boys team at a great disadvantage.” A school wide survey indicates there are seven girls interested in participating, all of whom already own their own golf clubs. Five are needed for a varsity squad. Discussion indicated adding girls golf would not significantly impact other girls sports currently offered.

Jason Jensen, a board member, reported two additional beefs have been donated to the school beef program. “We are well stocked for the beginning of the next school year,” he said, “But will be continuing to seek both beef and monetary donations.” He thanked the community for their generous response to provide beef for the school lunch program.

The board reviewed section three of the policy manual. In general it addresses school funds: the budget, deposits, bidding, purchasing and procurement, school activity funds, the review of bills, gifts, grants audits, insurance, transportation, school meal program and meal charges, emergency closing, the use of school property, time away from school and the use of tobacco products. Policy 3014 will be addressed at the next meeting to clarify that only the school track is open to the public without prior approval.

The policy manual is available on the school’s website.

Projected enrollment for the 2021-22 school year was reviewed and appears to be about the same as this year. In September there were 222 sixth through twelfth grade students who enrolled and 158 kindergarten through fifth grade students.

Supt. Kobza reviewed the special service monthly report. Ashley Wulf visited the Hastings Middle School where she observed co-teaching within the regular education classrooms and visited with the special education teacher about a variety of special education topics. Next year she plans to work closely with Alison Brittenham to provide inclusive, co-teaching services for sixth through eighth grade students within their English classes.

Courtney Utecht and Mackenzie Trumble will be visiting Life Skills classrooms at Hastings Elementary. They are specifically seeking more knowledge about using Alternative Augmentative Communication devices with students who are nonverbal.

This coming school year plans are being worked on to provide a place and staffing for students who are medically fragile, not necessarily special educations.

“We have some high needs students coming in.” Supt Kobza said.

Concerning staffing and the budget, Supt. Kobza said, “Even with the addition of two staff positions and possibly a third, the district will spend a quarter of a million less next year. The savings has to do with the retirements we have seen.”

A retirement party scheduled for this week will honor a dozen certified staff members who have retired the past two years.

The board of education thanked Doug Hoins for his years of service to the district. He has served both as junior senior high principal and elementary principal during his more than 25 year tenure.

Matt Sullivan asked for committee reports. He was asked by another board member if they had received a grant. He responded, “Yes, we will be getting two new school buses.”

Several board members asked detailed questions as to brand, why the two would be different, would they have heated rearview mirrors, etc.

The biggest administrative concern appeared to be the timing of destroying the current bus motors and assuring the new buses are delivered in time to meet grant requirements.

The meeting adjourned shortly after 8:30.


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