Household hazardous waste collection at Nelson Saturday

There will be a household hazardous waste collection at the Nuckolls County Road Department yard, Saturday, from 3 to 5 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Little Blue NRD, Trailblazer RC & D, the Nuckolls County Board of Commissioners and NET. The collection is open to all Nuckolls County Residents. There is no charge for dropping off items.

Hazardous waste must be in household quantities only. All paints are acceptable. Cleaning products, pesticides, herbicides, used oil, anti-freeze, batteries, fluorescent bulbs, mercury items as well as lawn and garden chemicals are allowed.

The following items will not be accepted. Commercial quantities of anything. Tires, PCBs and Picric acid. science lab and radioactive materials will not be accepted. Any item containing asbestos will not be accepted. Wood preservatives and explosives will not be collected.

Medications may be dropped off at participating pharmacies. There will be a collection of electronic equipment at a time and place yet to be determined.

Program personnel reserve the right to reject any materials.

This is an opportunity for residents to clean out their garages, basements and barns of household hazardous waste items to protect the environment and health.


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