Last year the City of Mankato decided to take advantage of the pool closing because of COVID-19 to do some much-needed maintenance and upgrades. With assistance from the Dane Hansen Foundation and the Jewell County Community Foundation, these upgrades are underway. Three local contractors have been hired to perform the pool upgrades. Mike Eaton Enterprises is upgrading the bath house and installing a roof on the filter room. Jesse Williams Concrete is pouring a new deck for the entire pool. Brent Beck Fencing will install a new fence around the entire pool area including a new fence and canvass for the sand volleyball court. Cunningham Contractors from Missouri sandblasted and coated the inside of the pool last fall. They will return to do a final coat on the pool in the next couple weeks.
These improvements are not only for aesthetics and functionality, but safety as well. The pool will have an expanded patio for sunbathers and shaded areas for relaxing while watching the children play. City staff have inspected the piping, installed a new drain valve, refurbished the lifeguard stands, ladders and diving boards. A sand volleyball court will be added on the north side of the pool.
Abby Elkins, Christina Jeffery and Kayla Dunstan have taken the lead to raise funds for a future splash pad at the park, a sliding board for the main pool, and spray jets for the baby pool. Children and adults will enjoy these new additions. It will be worth the wait.
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