Women's Hairpin League holds banquet

The Hairpin Women's Bowling League held their annual awards banquet at the Superior Bowl last Wednesday. The meal was prepared by Superior Bowl team members Karla Blackstone, Sussie Jester, Susie Lowery, Mary Sawyer and Kelly Schiermeyer. Cathy Martin and Mary Sawyer are the co-presidents of the league.

Perfect attendance awards were presented to Lisa Boyles, Rebecca Gatlin, Cindy Hewitt, Jennifer Jensen-Knoell, Kelly Schiermeyer and Karen Tinkham.

Individual awards were presented to Lexi Saathoff for high scratch game, Tinkham for high handicap game, Saathoff for high scratch series, Brooke Johnson for high handicap series. Roberta Crawford was named the most improved bowler.

Team awards were presented to the Superior Bowl team for high scratch and handicap games as well as high handicap series. Scott's Sales earned the high scratch series award.

Final team standings were Superior Outdoor Power in first place followed by Scott's Sales, Superior Bowl, House of Hues, Ideal 5 and Team Matt.


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