Mizner, Duffy resign basketball coaching positions at USD 107

The USD No. 107 Board of Education met Monday, April 12. President Kenny Mizner called the regular meeting to order . Those present were Kenny Mizner, Brandon Hollerich, Lori Slate, Lori Yelken, Marc Grout, Rex Boley, Sam Meyers, Janet Higer, Nick Naasz and Sarah Warne.

In the buildings report, the elementary basement water table is still an issue. More than two inches of water was in the basement. Lamunyon came and dried out and sanitized basement.

The transportation report said there had been some more break downs on two buses. The techs were here and parts are ordered. An eighth route has started going to Beloit for remainder of the year.

All teacher-classroom supplies for the 21/22 school year have been ordered and will be delivered to teachers by the end of April.

6-12 Principals Report: Testing schedules have been created and students will be completing testing on Kansas State Assessment tests, ASPIRE series assessments, The FastBridge Assessment, and the SAEBRS (Social, Academic, Emotional, Behavioral, Risk Screener).

The Junior-Senior High School Spring Band and Vocal Concert will be held on Monday, April 19 at 7 p.m. in the high school gymnasium

The 8th grade class will go to Beloit to the North Central Kansas Technical College for a tour of the facilities and presentations on the programs that they offer.

The school play will be held on Saturday, April 24, and Sunday, April 25.

The High School Awards Night is planned for Monday, April 25, at 6:30 p.m., in the high school gymnasium.

The Junior High Spring Fling Dance and activities will be held on Friday, April 30.

Wednesday, May 5, is the date for the baccalaureate ceremony at Rock Hills Junior-Senior High School. Senior Day will be held on Friday, May 7 at 9 a.m.

High school graduation is scheduled for 2 p.m., Saturday, May 8, in the high school gymnasium. Junior high awards night and eighth grade promotion will be held on Monday, May 10, in the gymnasium

Sarah Warne’s report on Elementary Curriculum:

*Teachers submitted refill orders for curricular items that are currently used at the elementary school.

*Elementary teachers analyzed two ELA curriculums. Previously trained teachers helped guide others on what components to focus on. Teachers will give their input to the DLT.

*Mrs. McChesney, Mrs. Boyles, and the principal worked together to make a testing schedule for the Kansas State Assessments that started on April 7 for 3rd through 5th grade. The goal is to align MAPS testing for K-2 during this same window of time. After state assessments,ASPIRE tests will be given to 4th and 5th grade, 3rd grade will do MAPS, and all students, PK-5, will do FastBridge.

*Teachers will began training in administering FastBridge on April 5. Superintendent’s Report: A meeting is scheduled in Topeka to meet with Mr. Peter and Ms. Barns in the School Finance Department at KSBE on April 20th.

April 14th he will attend the first Council of Superintendents meeting.

Last Thursday the Consortium of 4 (NC3) met. There has been discussion with NCK Tech on what they can offer our schools. We will be touring each district’s Technical Education facilities on Friday, April 16. On April 22, the superintendents will tour Manhattan Tech and Washburn Tech, both have NC3 educational labs-programs. A joint meeting with teaching staff will be scheduled before school is out. After that meeting, we will finalize the Consortium of 4 Budget as well as finalize a Carl Perkins plan to be submitted to Smoky Hill Service Center. We will start the process of informing and developing community partnerships and training-articulation agreements for student transition into post-secondary opportunities at a tech college-college or business and industry opportunities.

We will be screening students for the first time using FastBridge before school is out.

Staff will be finalizing selection of an ELA curriculum to be implemented next year.

The School Gating Committee met Friday, April 9. A draft idea for the development of a Gating for COVID-19 Protocol was presented.

Green – School as Normal

Yellow – School with re-opening protocols

Red – Remote learning.

PreK Round-Up will be April 21, at 6 p.m. at the elementary school.

The elementary has begun the planning for Jump Start in July.

The junior-senior high has surveyed families that would send students to a Summer Opportunities Session in July. This would be held on the same days and times as Jump Start at the Elementary.The superintendent is exploring the possibility of offering a Summer Enrichment Camp for 4th and 5th graders and 6th and 7th graders. Students that participate would get a Summer Enrichment Camp T-Shirt.

Board Members Reports: Grout reported he and Brenden Wirth had drawn up a preliminary list for the clerk’s evaluation. He gave Mrs. Higer and Mr. Boley copies and asked for them to review and make recommendations as necessary.

Discussion Items: Sarah Warne and Nick Naasz gave a presentation on Aimsweb testing results, comparing testing from the beginning of the school year to end of first semester.

Based on the data Mrs. Warne and Mr. Naasz provided, the following is evidenced.

_ Our students are learning.

_ At the elementary school, we have a higher rate of growth when our students are in our building.

_ The new interventions and focus on data have had a positive effect on student growth at the elementary school.

_ At the Junior-Senior High, students did better in person and with a consistent learning environment.

_ We predict that returning to a regular schedule and implementing school wide MTSS time next year will have a positive effect on student growth.

Mr. Boley reviewed COVID-19. Mr. Boley reported the county commission was looking at some optional possibilities to lessen the impact of quarantine for those who choose to wear masks, if exposed.

Mr. Boley reviewed the Esser I, II and III funding and requirements for spending.

Mr. Boley reviewed the district’s facilities plan and discussed upgrades that need to be put on a plan.

Mr. Boley addressed the board informing them that he would be moving forward with the water mitigation at the elementary school.

Mr. Boley updated the board on NC3, Career and Tech Ed, and asked for one board member to serve as a representative on this committee. Marc Grout was appointed to serve as representative and Mr. Mizner will serve as an alternate.

Mr. Boley discussed the district policy review. After a short discussion, Brandon Hollerich and Brenden Wirth will assist in reviewing the district policy.

The contract presented for drivers’ ed, summer 2021 was approved.

Mr. Boley presented the technology request and quarterly report to the board for Mrs. Cox, as she was unable to attend because of her teaching schedule. The technology request was approved as presented.

Mr. Boley and Mr. Meyers presented the board with a draft athletic handbook. They will bring a final form to the board at a later date.

Mr. Boley reviewed some recommendations from the KASB KJUMP program regarding the Symmetry gas bill. The board consensus was to go ahead and pay the bill and take the offered discount from Symmetry.

Action Items: Mr. Boley shared a ballot for KSHSAA for board of directors and also a ballot for appeal board. The board was in agreement to let Mr. Boley make those selections on behalf of the board and submit the ballot.

Executive Sessions: The resignations of Zach Duffy as junior high girls basketball coach and Nick Mizner as high school head boys basketball coach effective at the end of their contract were accepted.

Mr. Boley’s request to take five consecutive days of vacation during the dates of May 28 to June 5th was accepted.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for 1 p.m., Monday, May 10, in the board room of the district office.


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