Fire departments battle fires in neighboring communities

Sunday afternoon the Formoso and Superior volunteer fire departments were called to fight fires in the neighboring communities along the former Santa Fe railroad line. While the Formoso department was in Lovewell working to contain a fire which destroyed a pole shed belonging to Lane Ehlers, the Superior Department was fighting a grass fire that had started near the southern edge of Webber.

It was about 1 p.m. when the Superior department was sent to Webber.

There it appeared high winds had whipped up a planned trash fire from Saturday. That fire was spreading in a northerly direction along what is now an active Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad line and threatening structures and equipment in the small Jewell County community.

The railroad runs at an angle through the center of the community and wind from the southwest were fanning the fire. If the fire had jumped the railroad track and street, it could have spread into a residential area.


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