2 counties organize emergency committee

A Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is being organized to jointly serve Nuckolls and Webster counties. The committee will be composed of community representatives who have an interest in hazardous materials safety. As a group they are tasked with identifying potential risks the communities and counties face from chemicals stored in and transported throughout the communities and counties.

The LEPC is to seek ways to help minimize the risk, prevent accidents and assist in the development of the plans to deal with a chemical emergency.

Educational and community outreach is another core component of an LEPC. Through the LEPC, the public will be able to seek out information about chemicals in their communities and county and learn how to safely shelter in place.

The organizational meeting was held Wednesday, March 31 at the Guide Rock Fire Hall. Ron Sunday and Nick Ellede, emergency managers for Webster and Nuckolls counties respectively, were both present.

The meeting was conducted by Alyssa Sanders of the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency. Sanders is a hazardous materials program specialist for the State of Nebraska.

The plan devised by the counties together will include mutual aide or crossover if incidents do arise in the future. The committee is required to meet once per year, but the current plan is to meet in the spring and fall. Once the plan is finalized, copies will be in placed in the library at each county seat. The plan will be reviewed at the spring meeting held each year. Updates will be sent to the state for review. The annual meeting will be advertised in the local newspapers.

The officers elected at the meeting were; Neil Mertens, representing Guide Rock Fire Department as chairman, Logan Crockett representative of LafargeHolcim in Superior as vice chairman, and Janice Hartman, representing the Red Cloud Chief newspaper is secretary. Others in attendance at the organizational meeting were representatives from the following: Brodstone Memorial Hospital, Red Cloud Fire Department, Nextra Energy Resources. Nuckolls County Commissioners, Superior Fire Department, Blue Hill EMT’s, South Heartland District Health Department, C & M Supply, Red Cloud EMT’s, Red Cloud City Council,

The next working meeting is planned for November.


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