The Jewell County commissioners met last Monday. Commissioners Brent Beck, Steve Greene and Keith Roe were present.
Nancy Marihugh, health administrator, provided an update on COVID-19 vaccines. She said they can only vaccinate Kansas residents. She had inquiries about prom, and it will be allowed with some restrictions. She discussed the home health transition. She also said that KDHE has a grant allocation available to each county with an application deadline of March 15.
Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, left the annual noxious weed report for the commissioner’s review and approval.
Shannon Meier, ambulance director, reviewed the bids for a new ambulance. It was approved to purchase the ambulance from Foster Coach Sales a Ford E450, Type 3 for $154,658. The ambulance will be paid for with a lease-purchase. Meier said he is also applying for a grant to help fund the purchase.
Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed the bids for the new motor grader. Michael Long, Murphy Tractor, was present for the discussion. It was approved to purchase a Caterpillar 140 AWD from Foley Equipment for a total of $288,690 with trade-in of the 2006 and 2009 Komatsu motor graders. The purchase will be paid from the equipment fund. Tire bids were reviewed. The tire bid from Walker Auto Service for a total of $38,175 passed. Elkins discussed bridge inspections.
The annual noxious weed management plan and county noxious weed program report for 2020 was passed.
The decision was made to close the courthouse at 11 a.m. because there was no water in Mankato.
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