
I suspect that most of you have heard the old phrase: "When Hell Freezes Over." Well folks, I think in this February of 2021 . . . we've gotten there.

Yes folks, there is a "Hell" on this earth. The town is in Michigan, west of Detroit. Although this is not a recent picture . . . you get the idea.

I've mentioned before that the Little Blue River just north of Pauline never seems to freeze in winter, and it is not freezing this year. However, for the first time in my life, this year that little portion of the river has ducks living there.

You thought 2020 was a 'strange' year.

My garage is not heated and Monday morning when I took the car out, the thermostat read seven degrees. About three minutes later, it read minus 13.


Two other items I noticed to help prove we are living in strange times. First off . . . while at the doctor's office last week, I noticed a poster on their window. It was advertising a "Pancake Feed." For a group in Hastings. I thought: "Gosh, they must be opening up things since the COVID-19 virus statistics are not nearly as bad as they were several months ago. But then, I looked for the date, and it read "2020".

Secondly . . . In the same building, one of the doctor's offices had a big red sign on the door. It said: "No cell phones allowed – Must be turned off."

I thought about that for a while and couldn't make sense of it. If no cell phones are allowed . . . how can you turn them off ? ? ?


I'm going to copy a news-release that helps to disprove the contention of the abortion industry that abortions are safe for the mother. (We all know that they are never safe for the baby.)

Operation Rescue is a national Pro-Life organization that has, just in recent years, attempted to put numbers to the problems that occur in the abortion world, but goes without notice in most national media news. To-wit

Wichita, KS – Today, Operation Rescue released a new video that documents 67 medical emergencies that took place at American abortion facilities in 2020, including one abortion- related maternal death. The video vividly shatters the rhetoric of the Abortion Cartel that attempts to convince the public that abortion is safe.

Out of the 67 medical emergencies documented in 2020, 30 involved Planned Parenthood abortion facilities.

The following is a breakdown of specific recorded complications that were documented through 911 records and eye-witness accounts. Some incidents may have had more than one complication.

Unknown complication: 27

Hemorrhage: 20

Uterine perforation-internal injuries: 6

Sick-vomiting: 6

Severe pain: 3

Possible heart attack or stroke: 3

Seizures: 2

Sedation overdose: 2

Not responding-unconscious: 2

Incomplete abortion: 1

Life-threatening complication from the abortion pill: 1

Maternal death: 1

Five of the abortion emergencies involved abortions in the second trimester or later. These 67 incidents are anecdotal and reflect only abortion-related medical emergencies reported to or uncovered by Operation Rescue.

It is not an exhaustive accounting of abortion complications by any means. In fact, there is no true accounting of the actual number of women who suffered abortion-related complications due to chronic under-reporting and the failure of many states to mandate abortion complication reporting.

"What we see is just the tip of a nasty iceberg when it comes to the number of women who suffer serious complications from abortions," said Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue. "But what our data does show is that abortion is not safe, that women suffer horribly on a regular basis from life-threatening abortion injuries, and that sometimes women even die from botched abortions. This is the ugly truth about abortion that Planned Parenthood and the rest of the Abortion Cartel does not want the public to know."


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