My Crazy Life

Move back to Nebraska, they said. It will be fun, they said. Just because my birthdate happens to fall in the winter does not mean I happen to enjoy it. I am currently unable to feel my toes after being out moving mountains of this dreaded white fluff!

I know, I know, we need the moisture, so we don't blow away or go up in a ball of flames. I get that, but why is it all or nothing with mother nature these days? Yesterday on his way home, my husband got the car stuck just a block from home. Oh, and by the way, a big shout out to Charles Webber for stopping to help him. This morning, George walked to work because the car was stuck once again. The pickup and the family rig were also under a mountain of snow.

Jacob had recently agreed to do some of the snow removal for the church down the street from us. By Monday morning, he was regretting that decision. Jacob groaned and moaned as he set off this morning. He was wearing four layers on top and two or three on the bottom. He refuses to wear the coat I bought him, so I refuse to feel sorry for him.

After finishing my work, Jacob and I set out on the task at hand. The first task was to get a car out to get across town and dig out Cheryl and my mother! It took a bit, but we were finally able to get the truck out. The first stop was the newspaper office, then down to Cheryl's, and then to Mom's house. Mom fed us chili! Thanks, Mom!

After scooping what seemed like a million pounds of snow, we arrived back home, only to scoop a million more. I needed the family rig to deliver papers, so that's where we started. Jacob scooped a path, and I gave her the gas, and out she came. We broke the tow rope trying to pull out the little car. It's sitting catty wumpus along the curb. As far as I'm concerned, it can stay there until spring. I'm beat!

Oh, thank goodness! Hubby's home, so maybe it won't sit until spring.

Here's to hoping! I hope everyone had a happy snow day! X's & O's


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