Resignations accepted at January meeting

President Kenny Mizner called the regular meeting of the Board of Education for USD No. 107 to order Monday. Those present were Kenny Mizner, Brenden Wirth, Brandon Hollerich, Lori Slate, Lori Yelken, Marc Grout, Rex Boley, Sam Meyers and Janet Higer.

First on the agenda was the election of officers. Kenny Mizner, president and Brandon Hollerich, vice president were selected. The board set their meeting dates as the first meeting on or after the second Monday in January for the 2021-2022 school year.

Mr. Boley gave the monthly bus-facility and grounds report.

Janet Higer reported to the Board that W-2’s and 1095C’s were distributed to employees the first week of January. A software update needed to produce the 1099 ’s was just received. Another surge of unemployment fraud was detected. She reported it had been a busy month at the district office.

The principal’s report stated the Kansas Communities that Care Survey would be administered yesterday to all 6, 8, 10 and 12 grade students.

The Jewell County Spelling Bee will be held at 12:45p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 27, in the Little Theater.

The Northern Plains League Scholars Bowl meet is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 27, at St. John ’s High School.

More clarification on the KSHSAA spectator protocol was given.

Eleven FBLA members will be participating in Round 1 of the FBLA District Contest at Washington on Monday. In order to participate in the state event, a student or team has to place first or second in a speaking event or in the Top 5 in a test at the district level; in order to participate in districts, students have to have earned the Future level of the Business Achievement Awards by the last day of the first semester.

The PreK-5 Principal’s report was prepared by Mrs.McChesney. RHES certified staff members were trained on Run, Hide, Fight and social-emotional awareness during January’s in-service.

This semester it is planned to participate in Global Play Day and Dr.Seuss Week (Read Across America Day).

The superintendent reported on the

district certified staff in-service. Noalee McDonald-Augustine, educational consultant for Smoky Hill Education Service Center, presented to district teachers. In-service training on Active Shooter, District Crisis Plan and infusing social-emotional activities and lessons.

The superintendent received notice from KSDE of the amount of funding the district will receive from the latest

COVID-19 Relief package passed in December. This funding will help cover the increased cost of the summer education programs as well as other increased costs to the district as we deal with COVID-19 and its impact on student learning.

He is interviewing for the district’s open housekeeping position.The new water bottle fill stations have all been installed in the buildings.

A Swift Reach message to parents and patrons restating the district’s policy on remote learningwas sent out in January.

The school district will have a two hour early release day on Friday, Jan. 22. All district students will be dismissed at 1:30 p.m. District staff will have in-service training over student grading and chronic absenteeism.

The school gating committee is meeting weekly to review COVID-19 numbers in Jewell County and determining the learning mode for the school district. Currently the district is on-site, in person.

The district was informed by the Jewell County Health Department that school employees will be in Phase 2 of the COVID-19 vaccination plan. Staff will be asked so a and list of employees who would like to be vaccinated can be given to the health department.

Elementary principal interviews will take place during the month of January.

The Jewell County SPARKS funding was finalized and reimbursement was received for the approved plan expenses.

Brenden Wirth gave a short report on the building committee meeting. He would like for the board to have a more in-depth discussion at the retreat later in January.

Mr. Boley gave an update on COVID-19. He informed the Board that the FFCRA quarantine leave pay mandate expired on Dec. 31. He recommended the board continue to offer 80 hours of quarantine leave for USD 107 employees through the end

of the current school year and backdate it to Jan. 1, 2021.

After a discussion on creating a board clerk evaluation, the board held a consensus for Brenden Wirth and Marc Grout to work with Mr. Boley and Mrs. Higer to create an evaluationform for the board to use.

Mr. Boley presented a proposed 2021-2022 school calendar. Mr. Boley and Mr. Meyerswill share the proposed calendar with teachers for input.

The resignation of Judy Hancock Ryan, was accepted effective Dec.31, 2020.

The retirement resignation of Dee Ann Beam and Gina Jeffery at the end of the school year was approved.

Jeremy Luedke ’s request to use his

remaining vacation time and to accept his resignation effective Jan. 21, 2021. was accepted.

The play director position was offered to Abbie Elkins.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m., Monday, Feb. 8, in the board room of the district office.


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