L-N Looking ahead until the next board meeting...
L-N Looking ahead until the next board meeting...
This week at Lawrence-Nelson the Crisis team members are taking part in the Basic Threat Assessment Training through NDE and are registered for Psychological First Aid to begin later this month.
Jan. 27: FFA members will be participating in LDEs.
Jan. 28: Conference wrestling was moved to this date because of a conflict with FFA LDEs.
Jan. 27: Rule 10 Safety Visit to be held at all sites. Safety binders have been updated, as well as monthly fire drills and one relocation drill being held.
Jan. 26: National Honor Society Induction will be held at Lawrence-Nelson. Five juniors have met the requirements of nomination to the society including: Wyatt Brockman, Emma Epley, Elsa Jorgensen, Corbin Karmazin and Logan Menke.
Jan. 28: The Etiquette Dinner was set to be held at Central Community College. This is going to be pushed back to later in the semester, in hopes of being able to have it. The possibility of having virtual interviews was one thing discussed by the administration team.
Saturday, Jan. 30: Conference basketball starts for the TVC. The championship and consolation games are scheduled to be held at Hastings College again this year.
Tuesday, Feb. 2 through Feb. 4: Quiz bowl teams from all grade divisions will be competing in the ESU #9 Quiz Bowls, starting with the elementary (coached by Mrs. Dina Hoelting) to the middle and high school teams (both coached by Mr. Decker Brown).
Middle School members include Grayhm Beck, Leslie Corman, Jace Holeting, Jackson Williams, Raylene Miller, Sawyer Cox, Josie Hajny and Valentina Koehler.
Saturday, Feb. 6: FFA State Degree Interviews are in Blue Hill, along with wrestling districts at David City-Aquinas, and the Twin Valley Conference Basketball finals at Hastings College.
Tuesday, Feb. 9: Last home game for the boys and girls together. This will be the last home game for the senior girls on the basketball team. They are Avery Mazour, Alex Miller, Emily Miller, Tori Miller, and McKenzie Ostdiek. Amaya Rasmussen (senior) is the student manager for the team.
Wednesday, Feb. 10: Preschool and elementary classes are scheduled to dismiss at 1 p.m.; Middle school and high school are out at 1:30 p.m.; PT Conferences are scheduled to be held from 2 to 8 p.m., on this date. Discussion was held on how to handle conferences this year, with the team leaning towards virtual meetings again this spring just to be on the safe side.
Thursday, Feb. 11: No school - Staff Inservice.
Monday, Feb. 15: Girls’ Sub District Basketball starts.
Friday, Feb. 19: Last regular season game for the boys - senior boys will be recognized prior to the game and that list includes: Trevor Biltoft, Conner Cannaday, Blake Janda, Peyton Mazour, Keith Miller, Cole Troudt, and Blake Wroughton.
Monday, Feb. 22: Boys’ Sub-District Basketball starts.
Saturday, March 20: This is the date of the state archery meet. This meet will now be virtual with the teams and individuals not having to travel to Lincoln.
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