Mussman Joins County Board

Nuckolls County Board

The Nuckolls County Board of Commissioners met at the county courthouse in Nelson, Monday, for their regularly scheduled meeting at 8:30 a.m.

The first order of business was the swearing in of Dave Mussmann by clerk-magistrate Diane Wehrman as county commissioner for district two. He replaces Darren Blackstone who opted not to run for reelection. The ceremony took place in the second floor courtroom.

The bulk of the regular meeting agenda was taken up with the annual reorganization of the county board. Tim Zikmund was elected as chairman. James Keifer was elected as acting chairman for those occasions when the chairman is absent.

Dr. Timothy Blecha was named the county physician.

The Superior Express was designated the official county newspaper. The Nuckolls County Locomotive-Gazette was designated the official county newspaper for the publication of the delinquent tax list.

Board members were appointed to serve as Nuckolls County representatives on committees and boards: Tim Zikmund will serve on the county insurance committee along with John Hodge, Vicki Ensign, Jim Bolte, Nick Elledge and Susan Rogers. He will also serve on the 911 Emergency Services Board and the Midland Area Agency on Aging Advisory Board.

James Keifer will serve as the board representative on the county safety committee. He was elected to serve as chairman of the county board of equalization. He will serve on the boards of the Region III Behavioral health Governing Board and the South Heartland District Health Board.

Dave Mussmann will join the boards of Mid-Nebraska Individual services and the South Central Economic Development District.

Ken Himmelberg was appointed to the Trailblazer RC & D Council.

The board approved the 2021 schedule of board meetings as well as 2021 courthouse holiday closings. The board of commissioners will serve as the Noxious Weed Authority Board with Dave Mussmann as chairman.

Nick Elledge was reappointed as the county weed superintendent and head of emergency management.

The county website was designated as an additional source of providing public notice of board meetings and agendas.

Jeff Wagner was appointed as county highway superintendent.

A special designated liquor license was approved for the Nelson Country Club for the 2021 Squirrel Hunt fundraiser on Saturday, Jan. 23.

Because of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday on Monday, Jan. 18, the next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 8:30 a.m., Tuesday.



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