President Kenny Mizner called the regular meeting of the Board of Education for USD No. 107 to order in the meeting room at the district office on Dec. 23.
Communication and administrative reports were given. Mr. Boley gave the bus, facility and grounds report.
The board clerk report stated KASB surveys for the following were completed. They are required annually: calendars, fees, district policies, staff information, supplemental pay and teacher information.
There was another influx of fraudulent unemployment claims. Payroll has been balanced for the year.
The Food Service SFSP renewal applications were completed for all of meal locations: high school, elementary and the five remote delivery sites.
The 6-12 principals report was presented. Rock Hills has been awarded a grant from the Dane G. Hansen Foundation with the funds designated towards the installation of handrails at the track-football field stadium.
KSHSAA has voted to extend the winter moratorium to include the period of no practices from Dec.23 through Jan. 3. KSHSAA has also voted to extend the Winter Moratorium to include a moratorium for interscholastic competition for junior high and high school teams from Dec. 23 through Jan. 7.
PreK-5 Principal’s report was repared by Mrs. McChesney.RHES is currently Who-Ville! Lots of holiday based lessons and activities are happening now to get students and staff in the holiday cheer.
Mrs. Warne, Mrs. McChesney, Mrs. Coil, and Mr. Boley participated in the first MTSS meeting through TASN and will be meeting monthly along with the RHJSHS committee members to work on the district’s implementation of MTSS.
The winter AIMS Web Benchmark testing window opened on Dec. 1.
The elementary school has completed their winter benchmark testing for students who are in the building. Currently there are seven students, K-3, in quarantine who will be tested once they return. The older students who are in quarantine completed their testing remotely. Seven remote families at the district office for their winter AIMS Web tests. One remote family has refused to come into the district office for testing.
The growth the students achieved was celebrated. Areas of need within the grade level was discussed. Additional plans were considered in how to best meet the needs of each group of students.
Additional diagnostic testing will be performed with high at-risk students the week prior to winter break to identify specific phonological and phonics skills students are missing.
Remote Learning for the elementary has been discussed.
The board asked the elementary evaluate the effects of continuous learning, COVID, and masks on the primary students (pre-k through 1st grade). At this time, information collected will be converted into graphs to represent our students’ growth.
The superintendent’s report was presented. Water fill stations have arrived and will be installed.
Christmas concerts were recorded and uploaded to the district website.
KSHSAA Executive Board reversed its decision about letting spectators into games. The junior high and high school leagues met via ZOOM and adopted the KSHSAA ruling. Up to two parents or guardians are allowed into games for each participant. Games are being live streamed. The plan is to do this not only at home but also away games.
The state school board voted to allow school districts to use up to 20 hours of professional development from January through March as one to one contact time towards the 1,116 hours of yearly student education time. In a normal year, professional development counts as .5 to 1 or 1/2 the time towards student contact time.
Gravity Works Architecture Company was in Mankato, Dec. 18 to tour the facilities and collect information so they can prepare a bid and proposal for a facility study (master plan) for the district.
The gating committee decided the school should be in on-site learning. Currently the district buildings have not been majorly affected by the increase in COVID-19 positives in Jewell County. Committee visited about looking into the school district being able to test staff and students.
The district may purchase three AT&T Hotspots to check out to families who can’t get internet reception so students can work remotely.
CDC and KDHE has modified quarantine options besides the 14-day standard that people have been doing. There is a seven and 10 option but people have to get tested for COVID if they choose one of them.
The district is working with Cunningham Cable and Nextech to help provide internet services to families. AT&T has also been contacted to supply wireless hotspots at a reduced educational cost.
Two of six ClearTouch interactive panels with mobile carts have arrived .
Board members gave their reports.
Mr. Boley gave an in-depth update to the board on COVID-19. He informed the board that Jewell County has adopted the 10 day quarantine standard.
The district has received several completed application packets for the elementary principal position. The deadline is Jan. 8.
Mr. Boley reviewed the facilities study and the proposed STEAM Building.
The board accepted the combined grant award from Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund for $2,000 and from Jewell County Community Fund for $2,000, for a total grant of $4,000 for stadium handrails.
There was a second reading of the “Request to appear before the Board” form. The form was approved as presented with the number of days required before the board meeting to be 14 days.
It was approved to make an offer for an elementary teaching position to Kimberly Brown beginning Jan. 4.
The resignation of Emma Walker as play director, effective immediately was accepted.
It was approved to extend Mr. Boley’s contract ending June 30, 2022 to June 30, 2023 with contract amendments as discussed.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for 1 p.m., Monday, Jan.11, in the board room of the district office.
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