The City of Mankato’s journeyman, Marvin McCormick, was raised on a farm in Rooks County. He graduated from Osborne High School. From there, McCormick went to Kansas State, followed by Manhattan Vo-Tech. McCormick enjoys hunting, fishing and reading. He also enjoys doing things with his 9-year-old daughter, Autumn. McCormick has four dogs.
McCormick met his wife of 10 years at a birthday party. He chose to live in Mankato because it is close to where he grew up. McCormick enjoys the relaxed environment small town living provides.
McCormick has 30 years of experience in the journeyman field. Before he started work for the city, he worked for an irrigation district. McCormick’s responsibilities for the city include taking care of powerlines. He enjoys being able to keep the lights on, but finds tree trimming is the hardest part of his job.
COVID-19 has prevented McCormick from taking vacations. It has also limited his travel.
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