Long separated friends meet in Superior salon

Lanis Jorgensen had the surprise of her life a couple weeks ago.

She called me and said she had a little story I might be interested in.

She was working one day at Solutions when her 11 a.m., appointment walked in. The name for the appointment was Diane. Lanis asked her if she was Diane. The woman said no. A few minutes later after Susan Peterson, the store owner, checked her client out, this “Diane” said, “I’m your appointment but I used a different name.” Lanis’ brain was spinning. She was starting to wonder what was going on. The woman said her real name was Shelly. Lanis asked her what her last name was and she said Wiles. At that point Lanis was thinking about her friend from elementary and thought there was no way it was her. The woman pulled her mask down. Bam! It was Lanis’ classmate friend from kindergarten! What are the odds of that? Lanis is from Lincoln and why would she have a classmate come see her in Superior? At this point, She was jumping up and down like a little child. Shelly told her she had been looking for her since she disappeared. Lanis moved away when she was in third grade.

Lanis had the feeling of awe all day. “I am lucky to have been able to have a few hours with my dear friend. She has lived an hour away from me for the past 10 years and we didn’t know it. Even with so many years apart, it was like she had never been away. It was a great surprise making my day the best. I’m excited to know we live closer!”

“Shelly’s mom was probably instrumental in helping me get away from an unstable situation when I was young. I was 4 years old when I met Shelly. I was 9 when I moved to Hickman and went to Norris School from 4th to 6th grade. Then I went to Pound Junior High in Lincoln for the first semester. The second semester I went to Culler Junior High. I went to high school in Lincoln until my graduation in 1993. I didn’t have any contact with Shelly for all these years until now. She had looked for me ever since I moved away at the age of 9 years.”

Her search was aided by a mutual friend on Facebook. when she talked to Heather, who had talked to a Lanis. After finding out that this was Lanis, her best friend, Shelly arranged for an appointment under her mother’s name to surprise Lanis.

Lanis is thankful for her kindergarten friend reaching out to her after all these years.


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