Burr Oak

Wanda Frasier enjoyed getting away Wednesday and Thursday into the Sand Hills of Nebraska. Enroute she stopped in Franklin at the park with the WWII planes, tank and other military memorabilia, in observance of Veteran’s Day. She traveled on to the Alliance area. There she met up with a friend. They enjoyed shopping at thrift shops and a higher end commission boutique, as well as touring Carhenge and the replica of the old Alliance town. In the evening, they had a Mexican meal. The second night they had brisket at a 30-year mom and pop bar and grill. Wanda returned home on Friday evening. She used the weekend and Monday to get things ready for winter around her property.

Enjoying a pre-Thanksgiving dinner at the Burr Oak Community Center on Saturday were Ranae Jacobs, Esbon; Dustin Ault, Ionia; Owen, Tuff and Hudson Tucker, Lebanon; Shane Hillman and Melinda Isaacson, Scandia; Christopher Hillman, Ashley Slick and Averi and Addi, Salina; Brett Kohn, Brianna Hanson, Liam and Lettie; Whitney and Barrett Jones, Katarina and Killian, Concordia; Shelli Kuhlmann, Lane Ranstead, Cortney, Oscar and Eli Spurgeon, Mankato; Cheryl Hillman, Jessica Barnes, Brynlee Manning, Tessa McMains and Morgan and Max, Nolan Harris, Renita and Cody Volker, and Mattie and Bella, Katie Jacobs, Anthony Kennedy and Weston Wagner.

The Call to Worship was Psalm 150. Pastor Ellis chose “A Thanksgiving Celebration of Love” for his message. We were reminded of a saying of a lady known by all that was “We enter the celebration of Christmas through the gates of Thanksgiving.” It is important especially amidst all the unrest of our great nation to remember our many blessings not only as we prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday but all year. Concerns were for all the hatred, and for the eighth graders having to be quarantined because of the COVID virus. Communion was prepared by Pat Anderson and served by Pastor Ellis. Fellowship time was hosted by the church.

Burr Oak Christian Church service on Sunday morning was a bit different than usual. Pastor Cox forgot his computer and had to turn around and go back home to get it so he was running late. Those in attendance took over and got the service started. After the pledges of allegiance, Wanda Frasier led the opening prayer, then accompanied the group actually singing songs out of the songbook instead of from the big screen. Penny Turner read the announcements and a time for prayer requests and praise reports followed. Anne Oliver gave the prayer following the singing of “Beneath the Cross of Jesus.” Glenny Barnes led the responsive reading. “What Will I Do?” was the title of Richard Cox’s message for the morning His selected scripture reading was Matthew 25:14-19. This scripture tells the “Parable of the Talents.” It is a reminder of how we are to live our lives until Jesus returns. We are to not waste our talents or the opportunities that are presented to us. The warning is to not be lazy but to risk all to bring glory to God and to expand the Kingdom of God. We are to turn out faith into deeds. Acts of caring and kindness get the attention of the world. Jesus says we are to love one another not just our family and friends, but also our enemies. The primary act of faith is forgiveness. It isn’t always easy but it is what Jesus wants us to do. Your life is God’s gift to you; what you do with your life is your gift to God.

Joining Cliff and Glenny Barnes for lunch on Sunday at the local cafe were Diana, Olivia and Kooper Ord, rural Guide Rock, and Heather Ellison, Lucedale, Miss. After lunch the group visited at the Barnes’ home. Heather’s family is staying for a couple of weeks with Jeff and Diana Ord and deer hunting.

Last Tuesday, Wanda Frasier went to the Wichita area for a business meeting and was a visitor at the home of Caleb and Lauren Frasier, getting to see the boys after school.

The Northbranch Friends Church will be hosting the Community Thanksgiving Service at 7 p.m., Sunday evening. All are welcome to attend.


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