SVFD sponsors poster contest

Members of the Superior Fire Department sponsored a poster contest during fire prevention week for kindergarten through third grade students. Other activities this year were restricted because of COVID-19.

Winners of the poster contest were as follows from first to third place, kindergarten: Campbelle Utecht, Payton Silvia and Hattie Kuhlmann; first grade - Charolette Smith, unknown and Lane Ward; second grade - Harper Tatro, Nolan Meyer and Avaleigh Isaacson; third grade: Ellie Karnatz, Kaison Korb and Allie Jeffery.

Winners of the contest received a “I am a Fire Safe Kid” carry bag and a “Do Your Part, be Fire Smart” water bottle.

Doug Hoins, Superior Public Schools elementary principal, said, “Yes, we do not know who the second place winner is in first grade. The poster does not have a name. We have taken it to the first grade classes twice and no one claims it.


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