City of Superior continues closures

The City of Superior will continue to keep the current COVID-19 restrictions in place until at least Nov. 13.

The Superior City offices will continue to have their doors closed to the public. Business can be conducted through the drive-up window, over the phone or by appointment. The phone number is 402-879-4711.

The city parks will remain closed with a reopening date to be determined at a later time. The city campground was closed starting Nov. 1 so decorating can begin on Candy Cane Lane.

The municipal library is closed with curbside pickup only. The exception will be those individuals utilizing the Innovation Studio by appointment only. The phone number is 402-879-4200. The reopening date of the library will be determined at a later time.

The City of Superior would like to remind the citizens to please stay safe. Be sure to practice social distancing, hand hygiene, and masking when out in public.


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