Nuckolls County still needing polling place workers for Nov. 3

With the 2020 general election only a few days away, there is still a need for additional poll workers. Those interested in helping with the election are to contact the Carrie Miller, the county’s election commissioner and clerk.

This year Nuckolls County voters have had several options as to how they will vote. As in past years, many voters will be going to the polls on election day. Voters also have had the option of going to the county clerk’s office located in the courthouse at Nelson and casting their ballot. An employee of this newspaper, Martin Pohlman, was the first Nuckolls County resident to do so in this election, having cast his ballot on the first available day. Voters were also given the option to request a ballot which they could either return by mail or in person. A box for the collection of such ballots is located in the courthouse parking lot. To be counted, those ballots must be returned before the polls close.

To help voters prepare for the marking of their ballots, this newspaper has published information on the initiatives and constitutional amendments being considered this year. The publication contains the ballot language and an explanation of each question. As required by state law, that information has been printed in this and the prior two issues of the newspaper.

In last week’s edition, sample ballots were published.

In addition to the state and national positions, voters will be picking members of city and village boards, school boards and one county commissioner.

Residents of Nelson are being asked to approve an ordinance authorizing the city to operate a keno game. Voters in Superior, Hardy, Lawrence and Oak have previously authorized keno games.

Four candidates have filed for the three positions on the Lawrence-Nelson school board. The names of Phillip Brockman, Lance Williams, David Ochsner and Phillip Janda appear on the ballot.

Three incumbents have filed for the three positions on the Superior school board. They are Matt Sullivan, Peggy Meyer and Lucas Meyers.

Three Sandy Creek school board positions are to be filled but only two candidates, Dallas Furman and Cheryl Brockman, have filed. Six have filed for the three positions on both the Thayer Central and Deshler school boards.

The three incumbents have filed for the three Superior City Council positions. An interesting twist in that election is that of the first ward position. Chris Peterson was the incumbent and council president when he filed. With the resignation of Sonia Schmidt as mayor, he was advanced to the office of mayor. Currently his council position is vacant and his name appears on the ballot. We are not aware of a write-in campaign for that position.

Three have filed for the three village board seats at Lawrence, Hardy and Ruskin. Two have filed for the two City of Nelson council seats. Two have filed for the two village board seats at Nora but only one has filed for the three seats coming vacant in the Village of Oak.

Two have filed for the two Superior Airport Authority board positions.

As the next issue of this newspaper is scheduled to be in the pressroom before the polls close on Tuesday, election results will be available on the website which serves the Nuckolls County Locomotive-Gazette, The Superior Express and the Jewell County Record. Currently the address for that site is

Polls in Nebraska will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. For those who requested ballots be sent to them, those ballots must be returned to the election office in Nelson prior to the polls closing.

Polling sites will be open for residents of Beaver 1, 2 and 3 at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Superior. Residents of Elk, Hardy and Spring Creek precincts who have registered to vote may do so at the Ruskin Community Building.

Nelson residents will vote at the Nelson Auditorium.

Residents of Victor precinct will vote at the Lawrence Fire Hall.


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