UTE Theater still needs volunteers

Jewell County Cinema, Inc., met Sept 28 at the Mankato Christian Church. Those present were Thadd Hinkle, Lisa Goodheart, Phyllis Christie, Chris Klos and Janis McDill.

Lisa Goodheart read the minutes of the August meeting and they were accepted as read. Janis McDill presented the treasurer’s report.

Marty Zadina cleaned the carpet in the theater. Chris Klos reported he found a company in Wichita, Gleason and Son, who can work on the marquee. They are sending someone to give the board an estimate. He would still like to get the original patterns from the gentleman who worked the neon before, but this company can also make them. The board is still waiting on insurance quotes for the theater building. The contents are covered and there is liability insurance.

Discussion was held on how the last few weeks have been. The consensus was to continue showing “old” movies through October. Janis had asked the board for movie suggestions, and presented a list for consideration. At this time, the October movies are Hoosiers, Hotel for Dogs, Footloose, War Room and Hocus Pocus. These movies are subject to availability. Phyllis Christie discussed the scheduling of volunteers. She will send the October schedule out, and said some volunteers will be scheduled for two or more shifts. The theater is still in need of volunteers.

Thadd said he has found a couple of dead birds in the theater. Discussion was held as to how they are getting in. The next meeting will be Oct, 26.


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