Burr Oak

The community was saddened by the unexpected death of Larry Gillett last Wednesday evening. His funeral was held on Monday, at the Burr Oak United Methodist Church. Pastors Les Ellis, Tom Korb and Rod Rose were the officiants. Larry, 77, was a 1961 graduate of Burr Oak Rural High School. He is survived by his twin sister, Sandra Franco, and sister, Marcia Litzenberger and many nieces and nephews.

Cliff and Glenny Barnes attended a volleyball game between the Red Cloud High School girls and the Hampton High School girls on Thursday afternoon at Red Cloud. The Red Cloud girls were defeated in three sets.

“Do You Know My Jesus” opened the service at the Burr Oak United Methodist Church Sunday morning. Pastor Les Ellis gave the announcements and the Call to Worship. Concerns were the request for continued prayers for Gail’s brother, Gene, who was back in the hospital. Gail also shared he had been baptized while there. Pastor Ellis chose II Corinthians 22:16-12 as his scripture and spoke about “God’s Amazing Ways.” He once again emphasized that we do not know what our future holds but God always does. Communion was prepared by Pat Anderson and served social distancing fashion. An executive meeting was held following the service with Pat Anderson hosting fellowship time.

“Remember the Test” was the title of Richard Cox’s message at the Burr Oak Christian Church on Sunday morning. His selected scripture reading was Philippians 3: 7-14. Failure may be but an opportunity to gain something more. Though others may reject us for our shortcomings, those who remember God are not rejected. All of our days are numbered and each day is a gift from God. Remember to praise him often, read and study His Word. Real power can be found in being humble. Jesus loves His people to be humble and to serve. God may give us tests as He has a plan for us and very likely His plans for us are different than those we might make for ourselves. Will you trust His plan over yours?

Haley, Colton and Brecken Weik, Carson City, Nev., Chandler and Casey Zoltenko, Superior, James and Sheryl Zoltenko, rural Courtland, and Walt and Peggy Wilson were supper guests in the home of Lannin, Melanie, and Taran Zoltenko, rural Courtland, to celebrate the birthdays of Taran and Walt.

Rhyce and Darci Geasland and sons, Oskar and Elliot, Wis., are visiting for a week with Nick and Kelley Bunting. Darci is Nick’s sister. Raegan Bunting and Quinn Black, Cherokee, Iowa, arrived Friday evening to stay for the weekend with her parents, Nick and Kelley Bunting. On Sunday all of the people named above, as well as Jessica Barnes, Brynlee Manning and Cheryl Hillman, went to the Barn Market 2 in Hastings. While in Hastings, the group ran into Diana and Jerzie Ord and visited briefly. They also stopped in Red Cloud to look around. Glenny and Clifford Barnes stopped by on Sunday to visit while family was here and Peggy Wilson came by to visit during the week.

The American Legion Auxiliary and Junior Auxiliary member did highway cleanup on Sunday from one mile south of Burr Oak to one mile north of Burr Oak. Those helping were Brenda Eakins, Daisy Tucker, Michelle Harris, Pat Anderson, Miley Havens, Bella Volker, Julie McEntee, Renita Volker and Kayle Wagner.

The committee planning the Burr Oak 150th Birthday Celebration is sponsoring a Burr Oak Haunted Trail from 7 to 11 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 17. This will take place at the former Gun Club grounds on the west side of Highway 128, just to the north of Burr Oak. There will be plenty of parking available on the grounds. Cost for venturing along the trail will be $2 for one trip or $10 for unlimited trips. The proceeds will go toward funding the 150th birthday celebration. On Saturday, there was a work day to begin getting the trail ready. Those working were Josh, Andrew and Claire Babson, Tammy Cosand, Erin and Natalie Boyer, Julie McEntee, Mylie Havens, Hunter Frost, Judy Donley and Tessa McMains.

Cliff and Glenny Barnes accompanied Diana Ord to Blue Hill on Monday afternoon to attend the Red Cloud Junior High girls’ volleyball games against the Lawrence-Nelson Junior High girls and the Blue Hill Junior High girls. The Red Cloud A-team girls were defeated by both of the other teams. B-team girls from Red Cloud defeated the B-team girls from Blue Hill.

The Burr Oak Community Club is sponsoring a Trunk or Treat event on Main Street in Burr Oak from 5 to 7 p.m., Oct.31. This will take place of the Halloween Party that club has sponsored for several years at the Community Center and participants are encouraged to maintain social distancing as much as possible. Individuals are invited to decorate their vehicle trunks and dress in costume that evening to hand out their Halloween treats. There will be a costume parade on the east sidewalk and participants in the Trunk or Treat are asked to park their vehicles on that side of the street with trunks facing the sidewalk. At the end of the parade route, the Community Club will be handing out sodas and chips to the participants. Guaranty State Bank and Trust will have a table with bags of treats for the children. A Halloween display has been put up in the vacant lot on the east side of the street and is available for anyone wanting to take individual or family photos. Jada Beach and Bella Volker will be in costume and will assist with pictures. There are sign-up sheets posted in the bank and the cafe for those who wish to participate so club members will know who all plans to join in the fun.

Wanda Frasier was recently in the Lebanon Bash parade and the Smith Center Old Settlers Day parade with her 2008 H3 Hummer. She had signs promoting the military and Trump 2020. She enjoyed throwing candy for the children.

Wanda Frasier went to Hastings on the Sept. 20, for her granddaughter, Sophia’s, first birthday party. Attending were Sophia’s parents and siblings, Josh, Amanda, Luke and Emma, the Caleb Frasier family, and the Mel Reining family.


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