Commissioners accept bid for 2006 Dodge Durango

The Jewell County Commissioners met Sept. 14. Commissioners Mark Fleming, Steve Greene, and Keith Roe were present. Also attending was Carla Waugh, county clerk.

Waugh had cereal malt beverage licenses for Billy R. Foster D.B.A. The Shed for the commissioners’ approval. The commissioners approved two cereal malt beverage licenses for Foster, one for consumption on the premises and one for the sale in original and unopened containers and not for consumption on the premises.

The letter was signed to Kansas Department of Transportation for Jewell County’s commitment for local matching funds for General Public Transportation provided by Solomon Valley Transportation in the amount of $16,000.

Shannon Meier, ambulance director, provided the billing report and activity report for August. He had quotes for replacement of the 2015 Chevrolet pickup which was totaled by the hail storm on Aug. 14.

It was approved to purchase a 2020 Chevrolet 1500 4WD DBL Cab from Hays Chevrolet for $35,083.67.

Mark Fleming was appointed Jewell County’s KCAMP voting delegate and Steve Greene as the alternate voting delegate.

The commissioners telephoned James Gambrell, KCAMP Sr. Claims representative, to discuss the status of the claim from the Aug. 14 hail storm.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed maintenance projects. Steve Greene reported maintenance concerns that have been reported to him.

Darrell Miller, county attorney, reviewed the exchange agreement between the board of county commissioners and Mark A. Stenson to exchange lots in the City of Formoso. Elkins reviewed the map of the proposed lots the county is to receive. Miller also discussed preparing an agreement for the Rural Health Clinic’s roof repair.

Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, emergency preparedness director, and 911 coordinator, and Nancy Marihugh, health administrator, discussed the SPARK Cares Act grant. Peroutek said a meeting is scheduled with the office of recovery technical assistant specialist to review expenditure requests and modifications to the county’s application. Peroutek is also working on an EOC Enhancement Grant which is to create a secondary EOC. The grant funds have provided a consultant to assist counties with the grant process. Peroutek requested in the future for a grant writer to assist department heads with short deadline grant applications.

Marihugh reported Jewell County did not receive the Public Health Round 2 grant.

The commissioners opened the following sealed bids for the sheriff’s department 2006 Dodge Durango. The bid of $526 from Steven Walker was accepted.

The meeting was adjourned at 11 a.m. Commissioners Fleming and Greene along with Carla Waugh, county clerk, attended the multi-county meeting hosted by Osborne County. Osborne, Jewell and Mitchell counties were present for the meeting. Sherry Koster, sanitarian, provided the progress and financial reports for the counties to review. The group discussed SPARK Care Act Funding, CDBG CV Grant and COVID-19 cases. Osborne County reported effective Sept. 1, AMR took over their ambulance service. Jewell County discussed grant writers to assist the department heads. The next meeting will be a Smith County in January.


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