Formoso completes playground project

The Formoso community has completed their main play set at the park. The play equipment was made possible by donations from the Jewell County community through a crowdfunding campaign and work of the Formoso Improvement Committee at the first Formoso Fun Day in 40 years. The group also received a grant through the Jewell County Community Foundation of $7,286 as a pass through from Jewell County Wellness.

The original equipment was placed in the park in the 1970s. Since that time, the equipment has been well-used and was becoming obsolete. Today's play equipment also is designed under different safety standards than play equipment was back then. Volunteers from the Formoso Improvement Committee saw the need for new equipment and completed construction on the project throughout the spring and summer. The next step will be to buy the ground cover for underneath the play system.

Chantel Vacek, lifetime Formoso resident and committee member, said "I remember many summers playing on the playground equipment growing up." This new equipment will offer a whole generation of children great memories of playing at the Formoso City Park.

Donations to the project, supportfrom the Jewell County Community Foundation and all who helped are greatly appreciated. These contributions helped this little town of less than 100 people make this dream a reality and made the playground a safe place to play for all children.

Feel free to bring your children and grandchildren to Formoso to check it out.


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