Trail camera photographs young elk near Guide Rock

Kevin Daehling has captured pictures of coyotes, bobcats, raccoons, opposums, badgers, a red fox and once in awhile a beaver, on his trail cameras but Friday he could hardly believe what showed up on his phone - a young elk! The picture was taken at 7:47 p.m., southwest of Guide Rock.

Daehling is an avid bow hunter who started bow hunting when he was 14. He and his wife, Bridget, moved to Red Cloud when he was hired as a history teacher at Red Cloud Community Schools after graduating from Concordia University, Seward. This season is his 15th year hunting in Webster County. He has 32 live cell cameras set up on the many properties he hunts. The cameras take pictures and send them straight to his phone with date and time the pictures were taken.

Besides the elk picture, he recently captured a picture on his trail camera of a mother bobcat and three kittens on the same farm the elk picture was taken.


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