The Board of Education for USD No. 107 met in the meeting room at the district office for the Sept. 14 meeting. Those present were Kenny Mizner, Brenden Wirth, Marc Grout, Brandon Hollerich, Lori Yelken, Rex Boley and Janet Higer. Guests present were: Nancy Marihugh, Shannon Meier, Cindy Becker, Libby Duffy, Russell Dunstan, Kayla Dunstan, Ashley Underwood, Lane Underwood, Danny Eilert, Nick Colson, Brett Walker, Burgandy Babson, Claire Babson and Dennis Beckman.
President Mizner welcomed the guests. He said that he would allow 10 minutes total for them to speak.
Russell Dunstan was the first speaker. He approached the board concerning deviating from the executive order of wearing masks for the elementary children. He presented his research to the board.
Lori Slate arrived at 7:12 p.m.
Nick Colson addressed the board next, followed by Ashley Underwood and Brett Walker.
Communication and administrative reports were given. Mr. Boley gave the monthly bus, facility and grounds report. The board clerk report stated budget information has been entered into the fund accounting software. An expense budget report was given to board members for information. She had been working on district business as well as storm damage paperwork.
Notification has been received on getting a refund from BCBS for the dental premium for the month of April, 2020. This is in response to the COVID-19 pandemic causing disruptions to dental care. BCBS will be refunding the employer premiums as well as the employee premiums.
The 6-12 Principal’s Report was next. Qualifying seniors will travel to Salina today to take the examinations for Dane G. Hansen Scholarship opportunities. School picture day was Friday. Retakes will be on Friday, Oct. 2. AIMS Web universal academic screening testing has been completed for all students grades 6-12.
Rock Hills annual school supply distribution took place on the first day of school. All students received 3-ring binders, pencil bags, pencils, erasers, highlighters, paper and tab dividers for each binder as part of their welcome back to school compliments of USD 107.
The new block schedule is working well. Class sizes for the most part have been able to be reduced to allow for social distancing. It has also allowed for alternating passing periods so hallway traffic has been lessened. This has also allowed every student to be in school all five days of the week.
The start of the school year ushered in some changes. Masks are being worn at all times in the building, temperature checks are being conducted prior to entering the building and social distance practices are being implemented in all areas of the school.
PreK-5 Principal’s Report was given. COVID procedures have been planned and implemented. Adaptations have been made as things have come up.The lunch schedule has been refined to meet the needs of students.Timers are in place to keep the flow of lunch moving.
Remote learners were given the option to take pictures.
There are five new paras from the Beloit Co-op and one new certified classroom teacher, Ms. Wilson, teaching fifth grade. June Pumphrey is now in the Pre-K classroom as a teacher apprentice as she is working on her SPED degree through Wichita State. Mrs. Warne, the new MTSS coordinator, and three MTSS paras have been busy conducting AIMS web testing and meeting with teachers to go over student data. Mrs. Warne met remote learners at the district office. Enrollment, including remote learners, is currently at 166.
Mrs. McChesney and Mrs. Ost worked with Mrs. Cox on creating a spreadsheet of families that have internet access or not. This was a proactive approach to help if the situation arises that the district goes hybrid or to remote learning.
Mr. Boley gave the superintendent’s report.There are approximately 12 remote learning students PreK-12. Classroom teachers are devoting a lot of time to remote learning students and parents. The latest estimates on enrollment number is 300 students Pre-K through 12.
Insurance adjustors totaled seven vehicles - five support and two busses. The district needs to buy a bus. The new bus would be placed on a route. The route bus would be a standby bus. With the placing of a student in TLC in Beloit, two Suburbans will be used on regular student bus routes. The volleyball team is taking two Suburbans when they have road games. The district can use another suburban in the fleet.
Geisler Roofing from Concordia will be replacing the roof on the bus barn and the windows on the north side of the old high school with red tin. It has been decided to wait till summer to have hail work done to the newer Suburbans.
A new scoreboard has been ordered.
Jewell County SPARK committee received information from the State of Kansas on the SPARKS Plan and Reimbursement. Corrections in the plan have been made and resubmitted to the state for final approval.
Normally at the September board meeting state assessment data is presented. Since state assessments were not given last spring, that information is not available.
Board members gave their reports.
Marc Grout presented the superintendent evaluation that he and Mr. Boley developed.
Items for discussion were next. Mr. Boley reviewed the School Gating Criteria with the board. Nancy Marihugh, county health nurse and Mr. Boley answered questions regarding the Gating Criteria and the committee.
Brandon Hollerich was appointed to the Gating Committee.
Mr. Boley informed the board of a change in the food service program. Per the State of Kansas, all student meals will be free. They anticipate that this will remain in effect through the end of the calendar year providing funds are available.
Lori Yelken told the board she was approached about whether the district would be interested in selling the property north of the tennis courts at the high school. The board consensus was they are not interested in selling that property.
Action items followed. Mr. Boley informed the board he had been contacted by the United Methodist Women, concerning a gift to the school. The board approved to accept the gift of $300. The gift is to go towards helping to take care of student needs under the discretion of the counselors. Half will go to the elementary school and half will go to the high school.
Mr. Boley and Janet Higer discussed the current board policy regarding surety bond amounts relating to employees. At this time, the most recent policy regarding this is dated 1995. As a result of the CNA Surety Bond renewal process, Janet contacted Mapes and Miller, accountants for the district and asked for advice on acceptable bond amounts. The going amounts were $25,000 for superintendents, principals, assistant principals and secretaries. The board clerk and treasurer bond amounts are recommended at $50,000 each. Due to the fact that KASB is currently working on revising district policies, Mr. Boley asked the board make a motion granting him the authority to make the necessary changes with KASB to meet industry standards concerning bond amounts. This change, when presented to the board for approval, would follow the proper procedures for approval. Mr. Boley was approved to initiate the changes regarding the Bond amounts.
Guaranty State Bank sent the board clerk a letter requesting permission for the bank to offer a check with the Rock Hills Logo on it. It was approved to allow Guaranty State Bank to add a “Grizzlies” school spirit check.
The board accepted the resignation of Stuart Vance as assistant junior class sponsor and approved the following supplemental/substitute positions: Stuart Vance as junior class sponsor; Sherry Partridge as assistant junior class sponsor; Noah Daniels as robotics sponsor; Shena Mizner as substitute teacher; and Hannah Daniels as substitute teacher.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m., Oct. 12, in the board room of the district office.
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