My Crazy Life

I am embracing the crazy, or at least trying to! My yards are a mess, but at least my house is clean, for now. We haven’t been home long enough to mess things up. Granted, I have been following everyone around and picking up in the wake of their destruction. That’s a chore that gets old, really fast, but reminding, yelling and cussing about it doesn’t get me anywhere.

My mom, after much coaxing from my brother and me, decided to downsize and move. So I am dealing with the anxiety, not the actual act of yet...just mental preparation for organizing and packing several years of living and having a garage sale. We are hoping to get all of our ducks in a row before the snow flies. No pressure, though. LOL

We are also shopping for a more reliable vehicle for her. Something that won’t break down on a daily basis. When it rains, it pours. Thank God I don’t melt. I do think she will be a lot happier. Maintaining a house has just gotten to be too much, and her kids, with their busy schedules and empty pocketbooks, are not much help.

My Jacob is now 16. Where does that time go? Next year he will be a senior. I have roughly two years left of being a “drill sergeant” before he goes off to the real thing. He has decided on a career in the military, although he hasn’t decided which branch. In junior high, it was the Coast Guard, then freshman year, it was the Air Force. Sophomore year was the Marine Corps. It seems like every time he sets his sight on one or the other, one random sibling will interject their opinion and things change. It’s like he is now picking one or the other out of spite. I have told all the kids to “shut their mouths” and let him make his own “mistakes.” I’m rooting for the Coast Guard. It’s the only branch our family doesn’t have covered! Also, he said he doesn’t want to be bored, and he loves the water. It would be a great fit for him, despite the dangers. Honestly, no matter what he chooses, I know he will do great.

Robert is still in Korea, still despising it, and still spending money like the world is ending. Alisha has left her job at the airport as a TSA officer and is now working full time as a paraprofessional at the school while finishing her criminal justice degree. Jon is just doing Jon stuff, and Jack and Nick are probably driving their mother crazy. Nick got his BB gun taken away because he was throwing cans up in the air, trying to shoot them. Here in Nuckolls County, that likely wouldn’t have been a deal-breaker, but in Omaha! Thankfully, the neighbor’s windows were spared, but it could have been a bad deal. I am 99.9 percent sure big brother Jack had a hand in that fiasco.

I met a reporter from another small town paper at one of the cross country meets this past week. She told me she enjoyed reading our little paper and she really enjoyed that Crazy Column! LOL! Honestly, I was flabbergasted! I was so shocked I can’t remember if I said, Thank you. So if I didn’t, Thank you so much to everyone who reads this and enjoys some time in my chaotic life. Until next time, X’s & O’s.


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