Love my Crazy Life

What’s up with this weather? I got to say, though, the cool temps are a welcome change. Only because I know they won’t last too long, I brought in my flowers and what was in the garden last night, didn’t take long. I’ve kind of neglected to water the last couple of weeks, so there wasn’t much left.

My mom has an iPhone now. Help us! We are all going crazy, trying to help her learn how to use it. She is doing pretty well with it, considering we haven’t had the time to go over it with her. She called me from it the other day and said it wasn’t working. I giggled and said, “Well, it’s working now.” She got mad at me! I understand her frustration. This technology can be confusing. When I switched from Windows to Mac, I wanted to use this computer for target practice. Some days I still do! Going from a flip phone to a tiny supercomputer is a big change, but hang in there, Mama. I know you can do it.

Things haven’t slowed down as I had hoped for. With the school in session, we now have a new level of crazy that I had somehow forgotten about. I am enjoying getting out for more than a supply run. Now I am re-learning how to act around people. I’m always falling behind in one area or another; if the house is clean, the yard is a mess. When I’m caught up with work, the house and the yard are a mess. With all this new technology, you’d think our generation would have it together, and our lives would be organized and “easier.” That’s just not the case for me anyway. My grandma managed to do with a wall calendar and a rotary phone. I forget to look at the calendar, and the landline never gets answered because of telemarketing calls and politics. Oh well, I’ve always been a scatterbrain, I really should embrace it and move on.

I hope you all have a great week. Enjoy the cool weather but don’t put up the shorts just yet. The cool weather won’t last too long. Stay safe. Stay healthy, and as always, X’s & O’s.


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