All football games will continue to be played at the Lawrence facility.
Masks amongst patrons will be encouraged, but not enforced. Hand sanitizer will be available at concession stand.
All attending spectators will continue to use the south and west entrances to the field. Once parked, spectators are encouraged to proceed to their designated area of the facility. Visitors will continue to utilize the west side of the field and bleachers. Home fans will continue to utilize the east side of field and bleachers.
All spectators will be encouraged to sit in family groups, with no more than 8 per "grouping." If viewing game from fence line, continue to adhere to social distance guidelines.
An "Every Other Row" format will be implemented to ensure bleacher capacity restrictions of 75% are adhered to.
Concessions will be divided east and west to further limit exposure once inside facility. A limited selection of concession items will be offered. All concession personnel will wear masks, and have assigned duties.
Tailgates will be permitted, following same guidelines as concessions.
Due to facility limitations, bathrooms will have to be shared. Adhere to social distancing and use proper sanitation upon leaving bathrooms.
Direct parking in the north and south end zones will be reserved for elderly and other high-risk individuals.
Postgame: No spectators will be allowed on field prior to, or post-game. Athletes will not be permitted to congregate and talk with family once competition is over, but should proceed to locker rooms and bus or meet parents outside of school facility.
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