Thadd Hinkle called the Aug. 24 Jewell County Cinema meeting to order at the Mankato Christian Church. The members present were Thadd Hinkle, Lisa Goodheart, Phyllis Christie, Sarah Ortman, Belinda Jeffery, Janis McDill and Chris Klos.
Thad asked for nominations for vice-president, as he agreed to stay on as president. Sarah Ortman was elected vice-president. The remaining slate of officers were accepted by unanimous ballet. The 2021 officers are: Thadd Hinkle , president; Kristin Underwood, vice-president; Janis McDill, treasurer; and Lisa Goodheart, secretary.
Janis McDill presented the treasurer’s report stating there have been two deposits and two checks written since July. The balance is $22,404.10. The report was approved as presented. The annual meeting ended and the regular monthly meeting followed.
Chris Klos said he hasn’t given the building key to Marty Zadina, so the carpet and seats have not been cleaned.
Thadd said Jill Klos resigned as volunteer coordinator and also as a board member. He asked for suggestions. Not all the volunteers had filled out the survey Jill sent out. Phyllis volunteered to sign up volunteers for September. Janis said “old” movies will cost $100 each. Discussion was held on what movies to show and how many times to show them. It was decided to show the movies three nights per weekend in September, if enough volunteers sign up. If there are not enough volunteers, the movies will be shown only on Friday and Saturday nights. The first movie of the season will be Grease, and will run Sept. 4, 5 and 6 (Labor Day Weekend.)
Discussion was held on “social distancing” in the theater, because of COVID-19. Seats and rows will be marked off. All the volunteers will be required to wear masks in the theater, and the concession staff will also wear food handling gloves. $4 will be charged for adults and $3 for children during the month of September.
All the neon lights on the north and east sides of the marquee were demolished in the hail storm. Chris has been in contact with the gentleman who refurbished it previously. He is retired, but will look for the patterns to aid in the repairs. Brian Isaacson at Apple One Media in Belleville was contacted. He will provide quotes for both the neon repair and for switching to LED lights. There is also concern about roof damage at the back of the building.
The next meeting will be Sept. 28.
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