Dustin and Nicole Cassel have purchased the former Good Samaritan center in Nelson. The elderly care facilty closed 11 years ago and Nelson's residents have been wondering if would ever be home to anything more than rot and decay. The Good Samaritan group sold the facility at auction to a Beatrice area investor. Under the investor's ownership the facility was repeatedly embroiled in tax disputes and the facility has twice gone to sheriff's sale.
Nicole Cassel recently discuss her plans for the facility with a Nuckolls County newspaper reporter. She plans to use the facility originally built to care for the elderly as a childcare facility and possibly rent out space for offices and storage. She said the biggest draw for her was the space the facility could provide, and the location. Being near the school, park and pool, it is accessible for use as a childcare center.
Nicole said, "I've driven by it for years wishing something would be done, but not thinking it would be financially a possibility for myself and my family. I had never been inside the building until it came up for potential sale. I was shocked by how well it fit my needs.
"I had been looking for a space in town for a while and had prayed about it a lot. I spoke to Diane Wehrman, a lot. She was a great resource and helped me find information."
When asked about the building's state, Nicole replied, "It will take a lot of work, there is water damage from some pipes that froze, and the ceiling tiles will need replacing. The entire building needs to be inspected for mold. Everything needs a good cleaning. The electrical, plumbing and roof all need work. I've been lucky, Knock on wood, so far. All the help from family and friends has made this possible. My husband, Dustin, has already invested a ton of sweat equity into the venture. We have friends whom we are hoping to hire who have already given us advice on the best strategies to get it up and running.'
"My family is excited about the new adventure. However, the youngsters are a little less excited about the cleaning but are helpful and supportive. We have spent a lot of time working on the building's exterior and getting things cleaned up. Someday I hope to have a facility that will employ at least a few other people."
Passersby have noticed the building's exterior is looking much better already and are eager to see life returning to what many have called the "Old Home."
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