Scott Sullivan has COVID-19

Scott Sullivan, a former Superior area resident now living in Augusta, Kansas, shared the following social media post with friends this week. “Now that I’m feeling better, I need to inform everyone of my experience. I’ve been sick for three weeks with COVID-19. It has been the worst illness of my life. I was running a fever of 101-103 for 17 days. I had severe headaches, body aches, vomiting, diarrhea and an ulcerated rash on my back. On Day 12, I went to the emergency room for trouble breathing. Thankfully, I was placed on dexamethasone and a sybicort inhaler which made a tremendous improvement in my clinical signs. I unfortunately was one of the 25 to 30 percent of people who become extremely ill with COVID-19. I’m thankful the rest of my family was either assymptomatic or mildly symptomatic.

“I can tell you this virus is for real and please take it seriously. While I’m finally feeling much more normal, I’m still lethargic and lack energy. I expect it could take months before I’m fully normal again.

“Please everyone take care of yourself and your family.”


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