307 students to begin fall classes at Rock Hills

The Aug. 10, meeting of the Board of Education for USD No. 107 was held in the meeting room at the district office. Those present were Kenny Mizner, Brenden Wirth, Bobi Fogo, Marc Grout, Lori Slate, Lori Yelken, Brandon Hollerich, Rex Boley, Sam Meyers, Jeremy Luedke, Janet Higer, Nancy Marihugh and Cindy Becker.

Supt. Boley presented a final copy of the USD 107 COVID-19 Exposure Prevention, Preparedness and Response Plan for School Buildings. He reviewed the plan and along with Nancy Marihugh and Cindy Becker, answered questions and reviewed scenarios.

He advised the board he would be touring schools with the health department for approval to open and he would post the COVID-19 plan.

He discussed with the board remote learning assurances and some options for looking into hiring a school nurse.

Certified contracts have been mailed and signed classified contract copies have been mailed to employees.

The principals reports were given. In an effort to meet the needs of COVID-19 prevention, Rock Hills Junior-Senior High School will have “Block” schedule for the 2020-2021 school year. A block schedule features 90 minute class periods as opposed to the traditional 45 minute class periods. By adopting this model, classes have been able to be split to allow for social distancing. There are also half as many passing periods to reduce crowded hallway times. A staggered bell schedule will be used to reduce the number of students in the hall during passing periods. Block scheduling also will allow for more project based learning in the classroom.

Enrollment numbers for the JH-HS are as follows:

6th grade – 17, 7th grade – 33, 8th grade – 24, 9th grade – 17, 10th grade – 21, 11th grade –20, 12th grade – 18.

School pictures have been rescheduled to Sept. 11, with re-takes scheduled for Oct. 2. The results of the National FBLA competitions, awards and recognitions have been released.

National Leadership Conference:

8th Place - Partnership with Business report - this is considered a “chapter” event and is a 15- page report, written by Karrigan Dunstan explaining Rock Hills chapter’s partnership with the Jewell County VFW Post 7830 Auxiliary and the various activities with the VFW Auxiliary to 1) honor-remember veterans as well as current military members and 2) to promote citizenship, especially for youth. This is the 6th national placing in competition for the chapter or members have earned in the past seven years. Three of these six have been for chapter reports.

Many members earned lower level national business achievement awards.

Katie Reinert - 200+ hour Community Service Award.

Katie Reinert - America level Business Achievement Award (highest individual award a FBLA member can earn - similar to the America degree in FFA).

Sam Underwood - 500+ hour Community Service Award “Achievement” award (only one in Kansas to get this year).

Rock Hills FBLA - National Gold Seal chapter.

Rock Hills FBLA - National Outstanding chapter award (only 2 chapters in Kansas earned this year—the other was Marysville with more than 100 chapter members).

Rock Hills FBLA - Chapter Challenge recipient (only four chapters in Kansas earned this year) by completing 20 different specific criteria each in months of September, November and February.

The Pre-K principal’s report was given. Mr. Luedke was directed to work directly with Mrs. McChesney and the elementary BLT on finalizing the elementary schedule, finalizing remote learning, finalizing processes and procedures for re-opening. In addition he was directed to spend the first couple of hours of his day at the Elementary for the first two weeks and then there will be a re-evaluation.

The 5th grade classroom was moved to the former Mankato High School building.

The maintenance staff has been dealing with water in the basement and coming in under doors on the main level. One air conditioner unit in the hallway leaked making it necessary to replace floor tile The principal is looking for an isolation tent to put up in the cafeteria for students who get a fever during the school day. They will wait there till parents can pick them up.

Remote learning parents were called to answer questions and give them more information and expectations.

It is hoped to be able to have 40 students eat safely in the cafeteria at a time.

The elementary staff finished three weeks of Jump Start!

Mr. Boley provided the board with an updated elementary schedule. Repair to the track has been completed. New carpet in the new 5th grade room in the old high school will be installed.

Ten water fill stations were ordered to be installed at each water fountain. The shade cloth has arrived. A contractor will set poles so it can be installed in the elementary courtyard.

Three facial recognition and wrist temperature kiosks were received: two for Jr/Sr High and one for elementary.

The district has 45 days of gel hand sanitizer on hand and more ordered.

League schools have been discussing what activities will look like as to crowd sizes, expectations and protocols and procedures.

There has been communication with Sen. Jerry Moran’s office on guidance to get information clarity on using County SPARKS funding for a school nurse.


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