Jewell City council hear reports

Votes for not pets in motel

At 7:30 p.m Monday, Aug 3, the Jewell City Council met in regular session. Those present were Mayor, Darrell Bohnert; council members, Max Burks, Josh Burks, Gaye Daniels, Derek Birdsell and Bob Freeman; and city clerk, Kristie Blochlinger.

James Reed, the code enforcement officer, provided a written report of activities. He continues to work with property owners to abate nuisances.

Blochlinger presented the clerk’s report and said the fire marshall inspected the motel rooms, which were approved. She also updated the council on the city court cases.

David Knappert provided a written monthly maintenance report, which included the preparation on information and maps of the water distribution system for Greg Metz KRWA to do a water audit. The water audit is to help reduce the water loss. He reported there is a future need to treat the east Community Center awnings with 303 fabric treatment.

Mayor Bohnert provided an update on the Lake Emerson dredging project and also mentioned Digger Jake would plant grass in September.

Instead of raising the water rates to help build the carryover amount in the water fund for next year,the council decided to wait another month to see what Mitchell RWD 3 changed on prices.

Regarding the technology grant the community center received, Bob Freeman gave an update. The TVs have been installed. Work is finishing up wiring for the speakers. The policy on having pets in the motel rooms was discussed. The motion to not allow pets in the motel passed.


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