JC Commissioners hold public hearing, conduct routine county business

On August 3, the Jewell County Commissioners met with commissioners Mark Fleming, Steve Greene, and Keith Roe, and Carla J. Waugh, county clerk, present.

Travis Garst, solid waste director, reviewed the monthly report for June. He reported KDHE inspected the landfill and then three weeks later inspected the transfer station. The inspections found no deficiencies.

Chairman Fleming opened the public hearing pertaining to the Conflict of Interest for CDBG-CV Grant No. 20-CV-035. Carol Torkelson, NCRPC, said the City of Mankato project was awarded in the second round which has taken away two of the conflicts for the county’s grant. This leaves the conflict of a corporation which has stockholders who are elected officials, county employees or related to those described. There were no other comments concerning the conflict. A waiver will be submitted to CDBG. The public hearing was closed at 9:05 a.m.

Anna Porter, county appraiser, had quotes for a copier. It was approved to lease-purchase the Xerox copier machine for $69.82 per month. Porter reviewed the interlocal agreement and contract with Osborne and Smith counties for county appraiser. Commissioners signed the interlocal agreement and contract with Osborne and Smith counties for county appraiser. Steve Greene seconded the motion.

*Anna Porter, County Appraiser, provided information on Keith Roe’s request of valuation for the Cities and Cabins.

Nancy Marihugh, health administrator, reported three new COVID-19 cases.

Doyle McKimmy, Jewell County Hospital administrator, discussed the use of the Jewell County Rural Health Clinic. Darrell Miller, county attorney, said all need to come to an equitable agreement. Nancy Marihugh, health administrator, was present for the discussion. Anna Porter, county appraiser, joined meeting on the discussion of fair value of the property.

Kevin Peroutek, emergency preparedness director, reported on the SPARK grant. He said Aug. 15 is the reporting deadline for the first reconciliation of Coronavirus Relief Fund. The task committee had a meeting the afternoon of Aug. 3. Peroutek said they are currently in the process of collecting bids and proposals on items identified as essential for protecting the health of the communities.


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