County accepts delivery of a new tractor, mower

The Nuckolls county Board of Commissioners worked through a light agenda at Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting at the Nuckolls County Courthouse in Nelson.

The county road department reported they had taken delivery of a new John Deere tractor and arm mower that was ordered last August. The tractor was manufactured in Italy. The commissioners approved a contract with Theisen Construction for the replacement of deck slabs on a bridge located in northeast Nuckolls County. Jeff Wagner, county highway superintendent, reported to the members issues are arising with the Edgar spur resurfacing job completed in May. Ruts are developing where the tire tracks are and water is pooling. Wagner stated he was going to take core samples to assist in determining the cause of the problems. The construction company will be responsible for any needed repairs.

The commissioners approved resolution adopting a right-of-way fee schedule effective Sept. 1. The fee will be $100. It is to be charged for each easement applied for. A member of the county road department will check the work upon completion to ensure it was done correctly.

Vicki Ensign, county treasurer, requested funds for the purchase of a new computer. The Division of Motor Vehicles is installing a new software program for the issuance of drivers licenses. They will provide the software but it’s the responsibility of each county to provide the hardware to run it.

A public hearing on the proposed 2020-2021 budget is scheuled for the next regularly scheduled meeting on Aug. 17. Members of the public are invited to share their thoughts on the proposed budget with the commissioners. The tentative county levy is set at .26710. This is before special taxing districts and school districts add their levies. The public hearing is scheduled for 10.:30 a.m. The regular meeting will get underway at 8:30 a.m.


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