Jewell County Cinema, Inc. meet July 27. Members present were Thadd Hinkle, Lisa Goodheart, Phyllis Christie, Chris and Jill Klos, Kristin Underwood and Janis McDill. Trevor Elkins was a guest.
Janis McDill presented the treasurer’s report and said the yearly warranty cost for the projector had been paid.
Trevor Elkins discussed proposed insurance coverage for the contents of the movie theater building. He has submitted proposals and is awaiting quotes. Chris Klos stated that the projector has been covered by insurance, but the building is not insured. The word “contents” means anything not attached to the building itself, excluding the seats. Trevor will inform the group as to the cost of this insurance. Forty-four patrons attended the showings of Raiders of the Lost Ark, which was sponsored by FBLA. Thadd Hinkle explained how social distancing in the theater was accomplished, and the protocol will continue when the theater opens for the season.
The ice cream social was cancelled, but donations to the theater are welcome! Sheriff Jacobs informed Thadd the S.A.F.E. event was cancelled. Chris Klos said he will give Marty Zadina a key so he can clean the carpet and the seats, as needed. Thadd found another “Ute Theater” Facebook page was active. He will ask that administrator to take it down or change the name. That administrator is welcome to post activities to the current Ute Theater page.
The annual meeting will be at 5:30 p.m., Monday, Aug. 24. Election of officers will be held then, and Lisa Goodheart will send out a list of current board members before the meeting.
At this time, the plan is to open the theater Labor Day weekend. It was suggested movies only be shown on Saturday and Sunday until new movies are released. An e-mail asking for volunteers will be sent out. Further discussion on how to start the season will take place at the August meeting. It was suggested storage shelves be added behind the screen.
The annual meeting and regular monthly meeting will be Aug. 24.
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