Kohmetscher lands hole-in-one at Lawrence tourney

A one person scramble was held at Lawrence Country club Sunday with

28 golfers competing. It was a hot and sticky Sunday. Scores came in showing some great golfing. Winning the tournament was Wayne Hoelting; and, a hole-in-one was landed by Dale Kohmetscher on hole 2.

Championship flight winners were 1st: Wayne Hoelting – 57; 2nd: Shane Faimon – 60; 3rd: Tim Streff – 61.

First flight had three golfers with a 65 – after the count back, results were 1st: Phil Schroer; 2nd: Tim Kohmetscher; 3rd: David Kimminau.

Second flight also had three golfers with the same score of 69: 1st: Nathan

Faimon; 2nd: Paul Kohmetscher; 3rd: Terry Cox.3rd Flight: Dave Kohmetscher – 71; 2nd: Mike Hofstetter – 71; 3rd: Dillon Wolfe – 75.

Five of the six flag prizes went to other golfers: Hole 4: closest to pin on second shot: Phil Schroer – 7"; hole 6: closest to pin on Tee Shot: Randy Kohmetscher – 48"; hole 8: closest to pin on 2nd shot: Alan Jordening – 38"; hole 9: longest putt: Lorrie Hofstetter – 204"; and, hole 2: closest to pin on tee shot: Dale Kohmetscher – hole-in-one!

The next tournament at the Country Club is the second day of the Surf and Turf: Saturday, Aug. 15, at Nelson; and, Sunday, Aug. 16 at Lawrence.


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