The Nuckolls County Road Department will host a scrap tire recycling event from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, July 31.
The tires will be collected at the county yard which is located at 251 S. Park which is near the eastern edge of Nelson. For county residents unfamiliar with Nelson, the county yard can be reached by turning off Highway 14 at the Commercial Bank corner and continuing east to the dead end.
All types of tires will be collected but they must be removed from the rims.
Tires will be accepted from anyone living in Nuckolls County but will not be accepted from a business that collects a tire tax or disposal fee. The vehicle hauling the tires to the collection point must be licensed in Nuckolls County.
Those taking tires to the collection site must be prepared to unload the tires.
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