Jewell County Fair Open Class results

Jewell County Open Class

KaAnn Baetz - foods: jellies, miscellaneous, blue; relish, best of show; relish, red; jellies, sandhill plum, red; meats, beef, red; meats, chicken, red.

Kathy Beckmann - crafts: two miscellaneous, hangings, reds; miscellaneous, hanging, red; floriculture: coneflower, miscellaneous, blue; coneflower, purple, bed; miscellaneous, small one, bed; hand work, charcoal abstract, blue; acrylic miscellaneous, best of show; three acrylic miscellaneous, blues.

Jerry Benjamin - crafts: miscellaneous door decor., blue; two miscellaneous holiday, reds.

Karen Boden - hand work: embroidery miscellaneous machine, blue; quilting machine pieced, best of show.

Lisa Boyles - photography: animals, blue.

Joan Broeckelman - quilting machine second pieced, blue.

Jace, Bruns - pets show and tell, best of show.

West Bruns - crafts: miscellaneous, blue; paper hanging, blue; pets: show and tell, blue.

Jacob Cockroft - quilting: machine child 7-12, blue; goats: blue; showmanship: goats general showman, blue.

Stetson Colson - showmanship: swine general showmanship, blue.

Zakary Dean - crafts: two miscellaneous hangings, blues; miscellaneous hanging, red; hand Work: acrylic miscellaneous, blue; two acrylic miscellaneous, reds.

Brenda Enyeart - floriculture: zinnia one small, blue; two miscellaneous one small, blues.

Devyn Frost - beef: bucket calf, blue; showmanship goats, blue; showmanship swine, blue.

Sara Fuller - photography: two landscapes, blues.

Haylee Fuller - photography: animals, red; landscape, red.

Nolan Hadley - hand work: pencil still life, blue.

JennaLee Harris - photography: any subject, red.

Wendy Harris - photography, people, blue; buildings, blue; buildings, blue; flowers, red; two landscapes, reds.

Allyson Hollerich - crafts: miscellaneous, blue; miscellaneous, red.

Keegan Hollerich - crafts: three miscellaneous, blues.

Ryan Hollerich - crafts: miscellaneous, blue; miscellaneous, red.

Tiffany Hollerich - crafts: miscellaneous, blue; miscellaneous, red; recycling outside decor., best of show; Recycling outside decor., red.

Don Koester - photography: buildings, blue; flowers, blue; three landscapes, blues; flowers, best of show; landscape, best of show; animals, red; buildings, red; three flowers, reds; landscape, red.

Jaime Lamb - quilting: machine second pieced, blue.

Dwayne Lorence - industrial arts: wood miscellaneous, blue; original, blue; miscellaneous, best of show.

Kira Lorence - crafts: miscellaneous hanging, blue.

Sheila Lorence - crafts: miscellaneous, blue; foods: cookies chocolate chip, blue.

Daphne Manning - photography: any subject, blue; buildings, blue; any subject, white; two animals, whites.

Kelli Marston - photography: people, blue.

Raylynn Marston - photography: any subject, blue; any subject, red; flowers, red.

Brenley McCary - beef: bucket calf, blue.

Gracie McCary - showmanship: swine general showmanship, blue.

Barbara Blair Petersen - floriculture: herbs, best of show; cacti, Blue; succulents miscellaneous, blue; non-bloom other, red.

Allison Railsback - floriculture: two zinnia one large, blues; zinnia one small, blue; miscellaneous one large, best of show.

Betsy Reinert - foods: relish, red; cucumber dill, red; vegetable tomato, white; photography: landscape, blue; any subject, best of show; recycling: fabric quilt, blue.

Sarah Reinert - beef: stocker-feeder 601-900, blue; swine: market pig, blue; showmanship: swine general showmanship, blue.

Abbey Schleifer - photography: any subject, blue.

Teresa Shipley - photography: two landscapes, blues; buildings, red.

Emelyn Shulda - hand work: acrylic miscellaneous, blue.

Kathy Tucker - crafts: two ceramics holiday, blue; three ceramics table decor., blues; two ceramics gifts, blues; four ceramics miscellaneous, blues; ceramic table decor., best of show; ceramic gift, red; ceramic holiday, red; ceramic miscellaneous, red; ceramic gift, white.

Aaron Underwood - garden, large vegetable summer squash, red; large vegetable zucchini, red.

Allison Underwood - garden, large vegetable summer squash, blue; large vegetable zucchini, blue; floriculture, blooming hanging, blue; miscellaneous small one, blue; zinnia small one, blue; zinnia small one, red; miscellaneous small one, red; photography, two flowers, reds; recycling, outside usable, red.

Debbie Underwood - foods, relish, blue; meats chicken, blue; salsa, blue; meats miscellaneous, blue; tomato catsup, blue; cucumber red cinnamon, blue; beet pickles, blue; jellies miscellaneous, red; meats beef, red; canned pears, red; bread and butter, red; relish, red; cucumber sweet, red; jellies sandhill plum, white.

Kristin Underwood - crafts, miscellaneous, blue.

Rebecca Underwood - Photography, animals, blue; landscape, red.

Samuel Underwood - crafts, miscellaneous, best of show.

Hannah Waide - floriculture, sunflower tame three, red.

Kimberly Waide - garden, small carrots, blue; quilting, machine second original, blue.

Luann Wilson - quilting machine second pieced, blue.

Mike Worm - crafts, miscellaneous, blue.

Pat Zentz - quilting, machine second pieced, blue; machine second pieced, best of show; machine second pieced, red.


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