COVID-19 cases increasing; now have 6 in Nuckolls Co.

SHDHD reports weekly positivity rate increased 7.5%

South Heartland District Health Department (SHDHD) officials reported 14 lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases Friday through Monday, bringing the total number of cases in the 4-county health district to 381. By county, the new totals are 325 in Adams, 40 in Clay, 10 in Webster, and six in Nuckolls.

New cases in Adams County: six males (one child, two under 20, one in his 40s, one in his 50s (hospitalized), one in his 70s); one female in her 50s.

New cases in Clay County: two males in their 60s, three females (one under 20, one in her 30s, one in her 60s).

New cases in Nuckolls County: one male in his 40s, one female in her 30s.

Michele Bever, SHDHD’s executive director also reported South Heartland’s positive test rate or positivity (number of positive lab reports divided by the total number of lab reports) for the week of July 12 – July 18 was 7.5 percent, up from 4.4 percent the previous week.

“This is concerning, as we’ve had increases 4 of the 5 weeks since our lowest rate of 0.7 percent, which was the week of June 7 to13,” Bever said.

“This disease is easily spread from person to person,” she said. “People are able to spread the virus two days before they actually experience symptoms. Some people never have symptoms themselves (are asymptomatic), but can spread it to others.”

“People can feel fine and pass it along unknowingly.” Bever said. “The people they expose may not be so lucky. This is why physical distancing and wearing cloth face coverings is so important – to protect others and reduce community spread.”

Bever emphasized key prevention actions to reduce the spread of COVID-19: staying at home if we have any symptoms, even mild symptoms that are consistent with COVID-19;  keeping six feet between ourselves and others; wearing a face covering as a barrier to keep our germs from spreading to others, especially when we are unable to be physically distanced; washing our hands frequently with soap and water; and cleaning and disinfecting any frequently-touched surfaces.


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