Superior Council returns to regular sessions; virtual meetings conclude

Members of the Superior City Council met in the first fully open session since the governor order which permitted virtual-type of meeting. Though the public and members of the council were permitted to participate from off-site locations, many of the members had continued to assemble in the city conference room.

Monday’s meeting was relatively short, lasting about 30 minutes. Little was done that will attract the notice of the community residents.

For example, the council approved a plan to replace the window shades installed on the city office building windows soon after it was built about 40 years ago. The new light-filtering shades, purchased from a local business will cost $2,711.90.

Andrew Brittenham, city utilities administrator, reported it would be necessary to modify the natural gas department’s operator qualification plan because the group supplying the current plan will be discontinuing the service. He reported he was investigating alternative plans.

Blake Erickson, representing the GTA Insurance Group reported the cost of the city property and casualty insurance would be increasing from the current $168,721 to $180.017. However, if the city can hold the claim rate down, there is an opportunity to receive a dividend. That dividend has ranged from $17,738 in 2017 to $28,457 in 2019.

Mike Gay met with the council to discuss a home construction project scheduled for Highland Drive. Because of material shortages associated with COVID-19, Gay said the cost of material was increasing and he would like to order the material for the home. However the bank will not provide financing until the building permit is obtained. He asked that the city expedite the permitting process.

He said the plat would be ready Friday and the owner would request the city annex the property. The property in question is located on the west side of Highland Drive and extends from the current city limit to 15th Street.

According to current city rules, hearings must be held by the zoning and planning boards and the city council before the building permit is issued. Utilities can not be extended to the site until it is part of the city.

Action on the request was delayed until the next council meeting.

It was reported street department summer projects were advancing rapidly. Asphalt work to be undertaken by the city crew was finished and the crew was now moving on to finish the concrete paving of Montana Street. When this year’s piece is finished, the street will be paved between 13th and 15th streets.


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