Jewell City Council purchases 40 tons of millings for streets

The Jewell City Council met Monday. Those in attendance were Mayor Darrell Bohner; council members, Max Burks, Hosh Burks, Gaye Daniels, Derek Birdsell and Bob Freeman; and city clerk, Kristie Blochlinger.

Cindy Traump, a library board director, attended the meeting to discuss holding library board meetings in the community center because of the COVID-19 distancing restrictions.

James Reed, code enforcement officer, provided a written report of activities. He continues to work with property owners to abate nuisances.

Kristie Blochlinger presented the clerk’s report. She said the community center technology supplies have been ordered. She updated the city court cases.

David Knappert provided a written monthly maintenance report. The report included repairing the streets. The Council approved purchasing 40 tons of millings for street repairs. Repair is needed to the fence around the sewer pond.

Mayor Bohnert provided an update on the Lake Emerson dredging project. It was approved to hire Digger Jake to work the ground and plant grass at the downtown development.

The CMB Special Event application for Randall Co-op was approved. It was passed to have the dead trees at the park removed. Bohnert said the daycare needs a safe room. The board approved to purchase locks for a safe room.

No applicants have applied for the cleaning position. Blochlinger said she would be willing to apply as a temporary cleaner until the position is filled. The board approved to hire her.


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