The Jewell County commissioners met at 8:30 a.m., June 29. Commissioners, Mark Fleming, Steve Greene and Keith Roe and Carla J Waugh, county clerk, were present for the meeting.
Chairman Fleming opened the meeting with all present reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
The following were present for office head meeting: Shannon Meier, ambulance director; Don Jacobs, sheriff; Chris Petet, custodian; Marilou Becker, deputy county appraiser; Amanda Davis, register of deeds; Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator; Nancy Marihugh, Health administrator; and Carla J Waugh, county clerk. Those absent were Travis Garst, solid waste director; Brenda Eakins, treasurer and Joel Elkins, general superintendent.
Amanda Davis said her office has had an increase in electronic filings.
Nancy Marihugh said she had met with the school committee, attended a webinar conference call with the superintendents of schools, a WIC meeting, and a meeting at Beloit for the year end grant funding. She said a meeting was set for 2:30 p.m., July 1, for the SPARK Cares Act. She discussed the recent COVID-19 outbreaks in Republic and Cloud counties with some Jewell County residents in quarantine.
Marilou Becker reported the county appraiser’s office is starting the 1/6th re-inspection of real estate in Mankato City and Center Township. They will be taking pictures of houses during the inspection of the property.
Don Jacobs said he placed an advertisement for the open deputy position.
Shannon Meier said calls are starting to pick back up. He noted Riley County EMS department has a COVID-19 outbreak and is struggling with staffing.
Chris Petet said the sidewalk replacement project on the south side of the courthouse was almost complete.
Kevin Peroutek discussed the SPARK funding. He said the courthouse safety committee had met and 90 percent of the items listed have been satisfied. He said Bill Burgess is the part-time spray operator. Kevin Peroutek reported some noxious weed infestations that will most likely require notices to landowners.
Carla Waugh said she has been busy with county, township, fire and cemetery budgets and preparing for the August 4th Primary Election. She said that the secretary of state’s office provided each polling location in Kansas with PPE and cleaning supplies. She said the last day to register to vote for the August Primary is Tuesday, July 14. She said advance voting will begin July 15. She attended the zoom meeting for the SPARK Cares Act meeting and has been working with the NCRPC on the CARES Act business grant.
Steve Greene said he and Mark Fleming attended the Jewell County Soil Conservation meeting. Greene also attended the Jewell County Hospital board meeting and the detention center meeting.
Keith Roe said the commissioners attended the multi-county meeting at Beloit. He also attended the Jewell County Council on Aging meeting.
Mark Fleming said he attended the zoom meeting for the NCRPC and Jewell County Fair meeting. This concluded office head meeting.
Leland Tice was re-appointed and Cynthia Clark was appointed to the Jewell County Hospital Board for a three-year term.
Chris Petet, Custodian, discussed painting the restroom in the judge’s chambers.
Don Jacobs, sheriff, had quotes for outfitting the new patrol vehicle. The bid of $7,681.49 from Superior Emergency Response Vehicles was approved to outfit the 2020 Dodge Ram Classic.
Jacobs also had a quote from VLS Communications Inc to purchase 4-Used XTL 2500 – 800Mhz Mobile Radios, $599 each, for a total of $2,396.00 which was approved.
Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed maintenance projects. Commissioners discussed road concerns. Roe presented his proposal for an open house at the road department shop. Fleming discussed a road south of Formoso that was torn up by a truck. Steve Greene discussed the possibility of closing 300 Road between Roads E and F.
Larry Sharp, reviewed the risk management services available to Jewell County.
Jon Ungerer, candidate for Kansas Representative District 106, stopped to introduce himself and answer any questions.
Carol Torkelson, NRCPC, had the following documents for the Commissioners’ approval: CDBG Administration Agreement, Procurement Procedures, Code of Ethics for CDBG-CV Grant No. 20-CV-035. Darrell Miller, County Attorney, reviewed the documents.
It was approved to sign the CDBG Administration Agreement with the North Central Regional Planning Commission for CDBG-CV Grant No. 20-CV-035 and the Procurement Procedures for CDBG-CV Grant No. 20-CV-035.
It was approved to sign the Civil Rights-Fair Housing Policy for CDBG-CV Grant No. 20-CV-035 and the Code of Ethics for CDBG-CV Grant No. 20-CV-03s.
Darrell Miller discussed the SPARK Resolution.
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