Commissioners approve purchase of a new pickup

The Jewell County Commissioners met at 8:30 a.m., June 22. Present were commissioners Mark Fleming, Steve Greene and Keith Roe and Carla Waugh, county clerk.

It was moved to adopt the changes to the Jewell County Courthouse and Elected Officials Employment Rules and Regulations to update the sheriff deputy’s pay rate. The motion passed unanimously.

Carla Waugh reviewed the authorized signature form for the CBDG Grant project. It was approved to sign the form for the CDBG Grant No 20-CV-035.

Don Jacobs, sheriff, presented bids for a new pickup for his department. It was approved to purchase the 2020 Ram 1500 Classic Warlock Quad Cab 4X4 (In-stock) from Beloit Auto for $35,461. Jacobs said he is also getting quotes to outfit the patrol vehicle and will sell the Durango through sealed bids or an online auction.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed maintenance projects. Commissioners discussed road concerns. Elkins had an agreement for the Federal-Aid Construction Engineering Inspection Services by Consultant (Cost Plus Net Fee CE Agreement) Project No 45 C-4934-01 and Agreement No. 151-20. It was approved to sign the Federal-Aid Construction Engineering Inspection Services by Consultant (Cost Plus Net Fee CE Agreement) Project No 45 C-4934-01 and Agreement No. 151-20. Elkins had quotes for half ton regular cab 4WD pickups. It was approved to accept the bid of $31,427 from Alexander Motors to purchase two pickups for the road and bridge department.

The commissioners discussed the Jewell County Rural Health Clinic Building with Darrell Miller, county attorney. They will also discuss the use of the building with the Jewell County Hospital Board. The commissioners with Darrell Miller and Anna Porter, county appraiser, discussed the value of a piece of county owned property located by the ambulance building.

Nancy Marihugh, health administrator, and Kevin Peroutek, emergency director, discussed the Cares Act Funding through the Spark Distribution. They will provide an update as they receive more information.

Darrell Miller researched the statute for the county disposing of county owned property and found a survey is needed to provide proper legal description. Miller said, the next requirement is to publish a legal notice for two weeks in the official newspaper of the intent to sell the county property.

Miller provided the commissioners with a resolution to create an Inmate Welfare Fund after consulting with Randy Hofmeier, CPA for Lindburg Vogel Pierce Faris. The commissioners passed Resolution 20-13 to create an Inmate Welfare Fund.


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