Mankato City Council discuss water issues

The June 2, Mankato Council meeting was held in person and remotely via online Zoom meeting.

The first guest speaker was Sheriff Jacobs. The sheriff said they were working on the barking dogs and dogs roaming the neighborhoods problem.

Nancy Marihugh, director of Jewell County Health Department, updated the council on COVID-19. She said the senior center will open June 8. Abby Elkins had a good plan for social distancing. Although the Buffalo Roam was not opening until July, Marihugh said they could do a buffet. The county courthouse would also open June 8. She also said the health department does have restaurant guidelines and to contact their office for information.

Matthew Badger updated the council regarding the water system. Rural Water performed a leak study for the city and found several leaks that need attention. City staff repaired the largest leak at City Park and reduced the water loss by about 18 percent. Badger said there were two additional leaks they would repair in the near future. In addition, the inspection of the reservoir was delayed because of COVID-19. Divers are expected to do the inspection in mid-July. He said Layne completed repairs on well 19. Council suggested all the wells get on a maintenance schedule.

Tammy Finnell updated the council on cancellation of the Mammoth Festival. She said she did pay the deposits for next summer. The library board decided not to approve the concert series on July 18.

Barbara Railsback updated the council on the county fair. She said the dates for the fair are July 9 through 12. There will be judging, a parade, sewing and quilting. There will be a beef show Saturday. A chuck wagon will be available Friday night with meals. Social distancing will be followed for the event. Saturday night will be a parade with vintage automobiles. Council approved the parade route. City will assist with putting up barricades.

Josh Lippold was recognized by the council as the tree board president. Lippold informed the council sick trees with pin bark beetles need to take care of and suggested the city plant native trees such as oak and hickory. Council asked the administrator to check into any tree board monies left from grants several years ago. Lippold asked for donations to help the board and said they would be appreciated. The council approved the tree board with Lippold as president.

Garden Club was discussed and council said the garden club’s best venue is the Chamber of Commerce.

Jenny Russell introduced her new intern, Kathy Harbert. Kathy likes Mankato and is passionate about the area.

The Cereal Malt Beverage License (CMB) for Bob’s of Mankato was approved.

Councilman Klos discussed replacing the sign at the library and upgrading the landscaping at the community center. In addition, Klos suggested a Blessing Box and security camera be installed on the south side of the community center and installation of two AED’s for the community center, library and city hall. A suggestion was to add two security cameras at City Park. Klos suggested a grant for all. All suggestions were approved to move forward with a grant.

Councilwoman Abel updated the council on the Landbank. Work was being done on seed money for the Landbank and the disposition of The Pawnee Mental Health building and the bowling alley.

Council asked the administrator to ensure insurance is available for the lot next to the park.

Councilman Dauner asked about the camper in the yard west of his house. Administrator would check with zoning to find out if the city can make the owners move it.

Ron Hancock asked to ride four wheelers on city property next to the airport. Miller suggested to pull the lease regarding all the property being leased. Councilwoman Abel said she believes Jerry Grout is farming and Gordon Murray is haying in those areas and subleasing.

Miller gave the council an update on the water history for the wells and said that the city should start looking at other water sources. Miller said the current wells are being charged by the canals in the areas because they are leaking. The district is thinking about lining the canals to prevent leaks. According to Miller this may dry up the wells.

An executive session was used to discuss RLF loans with no action taken.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM


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