Supplemental recommendations approved by USD 107 Board

President Kenny Mizner called the regular June meeting of the Board of Education for USD 107 to order at 7 p.m. in the meeting room at the district office with Zoom video conference access. Those present were Kenny Mizner, Brenden Wirth, Marc Grout, Lori Slate, Lori Yelken, Brandon Hollerich, Bobi Fogo, Sam Meyers, Janet Higer, Billie Cox, Jeremy Luedke, Rex Boley and Trevor Elkins. Joining via zoom were Kari Kephart, Sarah Ortman, Alana Dean, Megan Badger, Roy Palmer, Sara Grout, Kristin Underwood and Jessica Shulda.

Kari Kephart presented the superintendent report. Current budget estimates for 2020-2021 show an increase of about $152,500 for the USD107 general fund and an increase of about $5,500 in special education aid for USD 107. The estimated USD 107 general fund for 2020-2021 is $2,807,194.

Kephart gave the elementary principal report. The school will host two student teachers next year. Hannah Daniels will complete a practicum in the fall and her student teaching in the spring with Janice McMillan, kindergarten, as part of her master of arts in teaching elementary program through KSU. Hannah is a 2015 graduate of Rock Hills. Kimberly Brown will complete her student teaching in the fall with Ashton Cates, 1st grade, as part of her elementary education program through Fort Hays State University. Kimberly is a 2017 graduate of Red Cloud Community Schools.

The 6-12 Principal Report was presented by Sam Meyers. District wide check in went smoothly. Few items were not returned and bills have been created for those items. The volunteers made the event run efficiently.

Drivers education was scheduled to begin on June 24. A meeting to go over all of the paperwork was held on June 11, at the junior-senior high school.

During the 2020-2021 school year students will begin to transition to the ACT ASPIRE assessment. Students’ grades PK-3 will continue to take the MAPS assessment while students’ grades 4-8 will take the ACT ASPIRE assessment. This assessments data directly aligns with the standards that are assessed on the ACT. Students in grades 9 and 10 will take the pre-ACT and students in grade 11 will take the ACT.

Bob Roush gave the monthly bus report and facility and grounds report.

Sam Meyers updated the board on 2019-2020 graduation plans.

2020-21 Board meeting dates were reviewed.

The board reviewed the Healthy Fruits and Vegetables program for the elementary school for 2019-20. The consensus was to continue with this program for the 2020-21 school year.

School building schedules for both buildings were reviewed.

A discussion was held on the meeting format. The board agreed to hold the July board meeting in the board meeting room including the zoom session.

Rex Boley reported on the Prek-5 Principal position. He said there were four applicants. The committee interviewed three and a contract offer was made, but not accepted. He reported he is looking at some alternate options and will keep the board updated.

The board reviewed the milk bids received for the 2020-21 school year.

This item was tabled until the July meeting, pending cost reports for the 2019-20 school year.

The board reviewed the worker compensation bids that were received for 2020-21. It was approved to accept the bid from Keller Leopold Insurance for $9,590.

Kephart reported on the 2020 RHES Jump Start summer session, which is planned to be held from July 13 to July 31. It was approved to offer contracts for the Jump Start summer session pending final approval to move forward with Jump Start.

Student supply orders for 2020-21 for the elementary and junior high school were passed .

The request from Delores Angleton was approved to open an activity account for the incoming 6th graders.

Discussion on the STEAM Building was tabled until the July meeting.

Sam Meyers’ recommendation that the board surplus the greenhouse at the high school and they advertise locally for bids to be opened on Friday, July 10, at noon was approved.

The Blue Cross-Blue Shield rates were approved as presented.

Kenny Mizner was appointed as authority to sign requisitions-purchase orders from June18 to 30, in the event Kephart was unable to perform that duty.

The board approved the amended resignation of Daphne Manning to be effective May 31, and to approve the resignations of Chris Klos as counselor, Tracy Anderes as assistant junior high girls basketball coach and Alicia Brown as kindergarten teacher.

It was approved to hire Daisy Tucker as an MTSS paraprofessional for the 2020-21 year.

A one year contract was approved for Sam Meyers as junior high school principal for the 2020-2021 school year for $74,600.

A one year contract was approved for Jeremy Luedke as K-12 assistant principal for $68,000.

Supplemental recommendations were approved as presented

High school coaches: volleyball - Tracy Anderes , head coach; Magan Frost assistant; football - Coby Hame, head coach, Wyatt Flinn and Stuart Vance, assistants; boys basketball - Mick Mizner - head, Zach Duffy, assitanct; girls basketball - Jamie Harvey, head, Tracy Anderes, assistant; track - Cobly Hamel, head, Stuart Vance, Janice McMillan assistant; cheer - Alex Carabajal; dance - Jessica Shulda; golf - Jamie Harvey, head, Justin Schoonover, assistant; scholars bowl - Travis Cox; summer weight room - Zach Duffy.

Junior high coachs: volleyball - Jamie Harvey, head, Tracy Anderes, assistant; football - Coby Hamel, head, Zach Duffy, assistant; boys basketball - Colby Hamel, head, Stuart Vance, assistant; girls basketball - Zach Duffy, head; Kevin Feldkamp, assistant; track - Kevin Feldkamp, head, Colby Hamel and Zach Duffy, assistants; cheer - Delaney Hamel; scholars bowl - Travis Cox; summer weight program - Zach Duffy.

The following sponsors were recommended: Jeremy Luedke - district activities director; FBLA- district concession sponsor; Barb Elbracht - district band; Barb Elbracht - district vocal; Emma Walker - school play; Barbara Railsback - FBLA; Jenna Langer - FFA; Billie Cox - yearbook; Delaney Hamel high school student council; Barb Elbracht- junior high student council; Kathy Beckman and Gaye Daniels - district accompanist; Delaney Hamel - National Honor Society; Billie Cox - professional development chair, summer district tech. coordinator: and district technology coordinator . Nikki Ost is to assist as district tech coordinator.

Class sponsors recommended are as follows: Pam McGregor and Kevin Feldkamp - 6th grade; Chris Rhea and Jeremy Luedke - 7th grade; Barb Elbracht and Travis Cox - 8th grade; Colby Hamel and Kevin Ost - 9th grade; Jamie Harvey and Jennifer Bruns -10th grade; Stuart Vance and undetermined - 11 grade; and Delaney Hamel and Kara Gilbert - 12th grade. A 25 cent increase for all classified hourly employees and 50 cent per route increase for bus driverswas approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:57 p.m.


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