Fleeing suspect shoots himself

It’s been an interesting few days for officers associated with the Nuckolls County Sheriff’s office.

On Sunday the department advised an officer was called to the Hardy Main Street to investigate reports of a coyote behaving strangely. It was determined the coyote was sick and was properly disposed of.

Hardy residents were advised to not be alarmed if they heard gunshots in the small southeastern Nuckolls County community about 12:40 p.m.

Whenever, county residents observe a wild animal acting strangely, they are advised to report the observation to the county sheriff’s department for investigation.

On Tuesday, June 16, it wasn’t an animal but a human being who was acting improperly.

A sheriff’s deputy attempted to make a routine traffic stopped in Superior after observing what was thought to be an instance of careless driving. The driver and passenger in the vehicle attempted to flee the vehicle. Apparently the driver fled with a handgun.

The passenger was detained by law enforcement. The driver ran to a nearby residence and appeared to hide while watching the officers. As the driver hid in the nearby yard, he accidentally discharged his gun, shooting himself in the leg. Multiple charges were presented to the county attorney including flight to avoid arrest, discharge of a firearm and possession of a firearm by a prohibited person.


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